MKMSGF EXPLANATION You might have specified the wrong computername, or the remote computer might be busy or turned off. ACTION Perform one of the following actions, and then try the operation again: 1. Specify the correct remote computername. 2. Ensure that the specified remote computer is available. 3. Try again at a later time. If none of the above actions correct the problem, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION Another computer or user on the network is already using this name. Your computername must be unique on the network. ACTION Choose another name for your computer. EXPLANATION The server that you specified does not exist or has not been started. ACTION Verify that you specified the pathname correctly. Contact your network administrator if you continue to have problems. EXPLANATION The network is currently busy processing other requests, or is out of resources. ACTION Try your request again later or verify your network configuration to be sure enough network resources are specified. EXPLANATION The specified resource is not available. The computer that shared the resource might have been turned off, or the permissions might have been changed. ACTION Contact your network administrator to find out how you can use the resource. EXPLANATION The network currently has too many NetBIOS requests waiting to be processed. ACTION Try your request again later. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The hardware that connects your computer to the local area network is experiencing a problem. ACTION Make sure that the cable on the back of your computer is properly connected. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator or the manufacturer of the network hardware. EXPLANATION You are attempting an operation that cannot be performed by the specified server. ACTION Make sure that you have specify the correct computername and command. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION You attempted an operation that cannot be performed from your computer or that is not supported on the specified server. ACTION Verify that you are using the correct server for the command or task that you want to perform. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator to ensure that the correct software is installed on your workstation. EXPLANATION Your workstation received an error from the network that was not expected in this situation. ACTION Try the operation again. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION Your computer cannot communicate with the specified remote computer because their hardware adapters are not compatible. ACTION Try to communicate with a different computer. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The printer cannot take any additional print requests at this time. ACTION Resubmit your print request at a later time. EXPLANATION The server that is sharing the printer does not have space available to store the file waiting to be printed. ACTION Resubmit your print request at a later time. EXPLANATION The file you recently submitted for printing was deleted by another user on the server. ACTION Contact the other user to find out why the file was deleted, or resubmit the print request at a later time. EXPLANATION The network resource that you specified is no longer available. The server that shared the resource might have been turned off, or the permissions might have been changed. ACTION Contact the person who administers the server to find out why it is no longer available. If you continue to have difficulties accessing the resource, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The network directory or device name that you specified is not correct. ACTION Try the request again, using the correct network directory or device name. Your possible choices are: -Directory Device Names: A: through Z: -Printer Device Names: LPT1: through LPT9: (for MS OS/2) LPT1: through LPT3: (for MS-DOS) -Communications Device Names: COM1: through COM9: (MS OS/2 only) EXPLANATION The specified network name is not correct. You attempted to access a resource that is not shared by the server you specified. ACTION Make sure that the network name you specified is correct. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The number of names allowed on the network adapter card for the local computer was exceeded. ACTION Perform one of the following actions, and then try the operation again: 1. Disconnect from any resources that you are not currently using; then, try the request again. 2. Reconfigure the network adapter card. If none of the above actions correct the problem, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION Your computer network adapter card has too many NetBIOS sessions currently active. ACTION Disconnect from any resources that you are not currently using; then, try the request again. Contact your network administrator if you continue to have problems. EXPLANATION The server you attempted to access is either in a paused state or is still being started. ACTION Try the request again. If the same error occurs, contact your network administrator or try the request later. EXPLANATION The printer or disk device that you specified has been paused. ACTION Use the NET CONTINUE command to reactivate the device; then try the request again. EXPLANATION The specified server cannot support the network request. The server might have run out of resources necessary to process your request. ACTION Try the request again. If the same error occurs, contact your network administrator or try the request later. Network administrators should consult the server's documentation for information about configurable parameters. EXPLANATION An error occurred while data was being written to disk. Data might have been lost. ACTION Ensure that the disk that you want to write to has enough space available, and that you have permission to write to the target file. Then try to write to the disk again. EXPLANATION LAN Manager is not installed, or your LANMAN.INI file or CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect. ACTION Install LAN Manager, or see your network administrator about possible problems with your LANMAN.INI and CONFIG.SYS files. EXPLANATION The server you specified doesn't exist. ACTION You may have mistyped the server's computername. To see a list of servers in your domain, type: NET VIEW Remember to precede computernames with two backslashes, as in \\computername. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The network hardware couldn't access the resources it needed. ACTION Try the command again later. EXPLANATION This operation can be performed only on a server. ACTION See your network administrator if you need more information. EXPLANATION This devicename is not assigned to a shared resource. ACTION Check your spelling of the devicename first. To see which local devicenames are assigned to shared resources, type: NET USE EXPLANATION The specified server is not started. The server must be started before you can run this command. ACTION Try the command again after the server has been started. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION You have no requests in the specified queue. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You specified an unknown device or directory. ACTION Check your spelling. If this error occurs when the Netlogon service tries to start, check the SCRIPTS entry in the [netlogon] section of the LANMAN.INI file. This entry must specify an existing directory path. EXPLANATION The devicename you specified is assigned to a shared resource. ACTION To perform this operation on this devicename, you first must end its connection to the shared resource. To end a connection, type: NET USE devicename /DELETE EXPLANATION This sharename is already in use on this server. ACTION Choose a sharename that is not currently used on this server. To see a list of resources currently shared on this server, type: NET SHARE EXPLANATION The server couldn't access enough of a resource, such as memory, to complete this task. ACTION Try again later. If you continue to get this message, stop some nonessential processes or applications and try to complete the task again. If you still have problems, see your network administrator to possibly reconfigure your system. EXPLANATION The maximum number of users that this server is configured to have has been reached. ACTION Use Additional User Packs to increase the amount of users that can use the server, or distribute the amount of users who use this server among other servers on your network. EXPLANATION The list of items in the command is too long, or you are trying to share a second printer queue or communication-device queue on a workstation running the Peer service. ACTION If your command included a list of items, split the list of items into two smaller lists. Type the command using the first list, then again with the second list. If you are trying to share a queue on a workstation running the Peer service, you must first stop sharing the existing queue. EXPLANATION On a workstation running the Peer service, only yourself and one other user can have connections to a shared resource at the same time. ACTION Retype the command, specifying two as the maximum number of users for the resource. EXPLANATION The program you are running created a buffer that is too small for the data being used. ACTION The program should correct this problem. If it doesn't, see your network administrator or the vendor who supplied the program. EXPLANATION The program or command you were running on a server failed. There may be communication problems on the network, or the remote server may be short of resources. ACTION Contact the network administrator. The administrator should make sure that the server is configured with enough resources. Specifically, the NUMBIGBUF entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file may need to be increased. EXPLANATION The LANMAN.INI file is missing or contains invalid information. ACTION Ask your network administrator to review the contents of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION An internal error occurred in the NETWKSTA.SYS driver. ACTION Contact your network administrator. If you need additional help, contact technical support. EXPLANATION A general failure occurred in the network hardware. ACTION See your network administrator. EXPLANATION You've tried to use the network before starting the Workstation service. ACTION Start the Workstation service by typing: NET START WORKSTATION EXPLANATION Your command failed because the MAILSLOTS entry of your workstation's LANMAN.INI file is incorrect. ACTION Change the MAILSLOTS entry of LANMAN.INI to YES. Then stop and restart the Workstation service. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The specified server is not configured to accept the command you typed. ACTION Ask your network administrator if the server is configured properly. The administrator may choose to share the server's IPC$ resource to correct this problem. EXPLANATION The server does not support the request that was sent to it. This can happen if two or more versions of LAN Manager are on the network. However, no program included with LAN Manager should cause this error. ACTION Contact the vendor of the program that was running when the error occurred. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't find the required information in your LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Ask your network administrator to check your LANMAN.INI file. The administrator should make sure the file contains all information required to run LAN Manager and any associated applications. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't find a particular entry in your LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Ask your network administrator to check your LANMAN.INI file. The administrator should make sure the file contains all information required to run LAN Manager and any associated applications. EXPLANATION A line in the LANMAN.INI file is too long. ACTION Edit the LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION The specified queue was not found. ACTION Check the spelling of the queue name. To see the list of printer queues shared on this server, type: NET PRINT \\servername To create a queue with this queue name, either use Print Manager to create the queue before attempting to share the queue, or specify the queue name and device in the NET SHARE command. EXPLANATION There is no print job matching the print job identification number you typed. ACTION Be sure you typed the correct print job identification number. To see a list of current print jobs, type: NET PRINT \\servername EXPLANATION This printer is not used by a printer queue. ACTION Check your spelling. To see a list of printers used by printer queues, type: NET DEVICE EXPLANATION This printer has already been installed. ACTION Be sure you typed the correct devicename. EXPLANATION You tried to create a printer queue with a name already in use on this server. ACTION Give the new queue a different name. To see a list of printer queues already existing on the server, type: NET PRINT EXPLANATION The server doesn't have enough memory available to add another printer queue. ACTION To free memory, delete an existing printer queue. Then create and share the new queue. You can also reconfigure the server to allow more printer queues by increasing the value of the MAXQUEUES entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file. This entry defines the maximum number of queues the server can share. After you edit LANMAN.INI, stop and restart the server's spooler. EXPLANATION The server doesn't have enough memory available to add another print job. ACTION Wait a while, then send the print job again. If the problem persists, you may want to contact your network administrator about changing the MAXJOBS entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file. This entry defines the maximum number of print jobs allowed on the server at one time. If the LANMAN.INI file is changed, you must stop and restart the server's spooler for the changes to take effect. EXPLANATION The server doesn't have enough memory available to add another printer. ACTION Change the MAXPRINTERS entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file. This entry defines the maximum number of printers the server can share. Then stop and restart the spooler. EXPLANATION The specified printer is not in use. ACTION Be sure you're referring to the correct printer. EXPLANATION An internal control function is invalid. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The spooler is failing to communicate with a print processor. ACTION See your network administrator. There may be software problems with the print processor or hardware problems with the associated printer. EXPLANATION The spooler has not been started. ACTION Use the MS OS/2 Print Manager to start the spooler. EXPLANATION The change you requested can't be made because a software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The requested change can't be made because a software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The requested change can't be made because a software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The spooler ran out of memory. ACTION To free memory for the spooler, delete one or more printer queues or print jobs, or remove one or more printers from all print queues on the server. EXPLANATION The device driver you specified has not been installed for the printer queue. ACTION Check your spelling. To use a new device driver with this printer queue, you must first use the MS OS/2 Control Panel to install the device driver. For more information about the Control Panel, see your operating system manual(s). EXPLANATION The datatype of the print job is not supported by the queue's print processor. ACTION Use a different print processor for jobs that have this datatype, or rewrite the application so that it uses a datatype the print processor can recognize. EXPLANATION The print processor you specified has not been installed on the server. ACTION Use the MS OS/2 Control Panel to install a print processor. For more information about the Control Panel, see your operating system manual(s). EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You can't start another service because you have reached the maximum number of services specified in your LANMAN.INI file. ACTION You can start another service if you first stop a non-essential one. To display the list of services that are running, type: NET START You could also change the maximum number of services allowed to run on the computer at once by changing the value of the NUMSERVICES entry in the computer's LANMAN.INI file. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION You tried to start a service that is already running. ACTION To display a list of active services, type: NET START EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You tried to use a service that isn't running. ACTION To display a list of active services, type: NET START To start a service, type: NET START service EXPLANATION You tried to start a service with an invalid name, or you are trying to start a LAN Manager 2.1 service on a server running a previous version of LAN Manager. ACTION Check the spelling of the service name, or verify that the service you are trying to start is compatible with the version of LAN Manager. EXPLANATION The service can't run your command at this time. ACTION Try the command again later. If the problem persists and the service does not respond to commands such as NET PAUSE and NET CONTINUE, stop and restart the service. However, if the problem happens again, report the problem, including the name of the service and the command that was refused, to technical support. EXPLANATION The service is not responding to requests now. Another program may be controlling the service or there may be a software problem. ACTION Try to stop the service by typing: NET STOP service If this fails, stop all programs running on the computer and try typing the NET STOP command again. If the problem persists, contact technical support. Be prepared to give the name of the service and other information about the system, such as the services and applications that were running on the computer, and the amount and type of network activity when the problem occurred. EXPLANATION Your LANMAN.INI file has associated a service with a nonexistent program file. ACTION Be sure that each entry shown in the [services] section of your LANMAN.INI file lists a valid pathname for the service's executable file. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION The service is not currently accepting requests. If the service is starting, it can't process requests until it is fully started. If you are stopping a MS-DOS workstation, another program is preventing the workstation from stopping. ACTION Try the operation again in a minute or two. If you are stopping a MS-DOS workstation, stop or close all other programs, then type NET STOP WORKSTATION. If this problem persists, the service may be stuck in a partially running state. Contact technical support. Be prepared to give the name of the service and other information about the system, such as the services and applications that were running, and the type and amount of network activity on the computer at the time of the problem. EXPLANATION The service wasn't running properly and would not respond to a command. The service was terminated. ACTION Stop the service by typing: NET STOP service Then restart the service by typing: NET START service If the problem occurs frequently, contact technical support. EXPLANATION This command is invalid for this service, or the service can't accept the command right now. If you are stopping a MS-DOS workstation, another program is preventing the workstation from stopping. ACTION If the service normally accepts this command, try typing it again later. To display a list of valid commands, type: NET HELP If you are stopping a MS-DOS workstation, stop or close all other programs, then type NET STOP WORKSTATION. EXPLANATION A user is already logged on at this workstation. ACTION To see who is currently logged on at the workstation, type: NET CONFIG WORKSTATION To log that username off, type: NET LOGOFF You can then log on. EXPLANATION You must log on to the network before performing this operation. ACTION To log on, type: NET LOGON username [password] EXPLANATION You specified an invalid username or groupname. ACTION Use a different username or groupname. EXPLANATION You specified an invalid password. ACTION Use a different password. EXPLANATION Your username wasn't added as a new message alias for one of the following reasons: - The Messenger service isn't started on your workstation. - Your username and your workstation's computername are the same, and your workstation's computername is already a message alias. - Your username is in use as a message alias on another computer on the network. In this case, you can't receive messages at the local workstation using this name. However, you can receive broadcast messages and messages addressed to this computername. ACTION Start the Messenger service on your workstation if it isn't already started. Then use the NET NAME command to add your username as a message alias. If your username is being used as a message alias on another computer, delete the alias on that computer. Then use the NET NAME command to add your username as a message alias on this computer. EXPLANATION Your username is already established as a message alias. Either your username and computername are the same, or your username is in use as a message alias on another computer on the network. If your username is being used as a message alias on another computer, you can't receive messages at the local workstation using this name. ACTION If your username is being used as a message alias on another computer, delete the alias on that computer. Then log on again at this computer. EXPLANATION The message alias corresponding to your username wasn't deleted. Either your username is the same as the computername, or your username is being used as a message alias on some other network computer. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The message alias corresponding to your username wasn't deleted because your username is the same as the computername. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION An administrator has paused the Netlogon service. No one can log on until the Netlogon service is continued. ACTION The administrator must continue the Netlogon service by typing: NET CONTINUE NETLOGON EXPLANATION You can't start the Netlogon service on this server because a server in the domain with an earlier version of LAN Manager is running the Netlogon service. ACTION Before you can start the Netlogon service on this server, you must stop the Netlogon service on all servers in the domain running earlier versions of LAN Manager. EXPLANATION The USERPATH entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file doesn't list a valid directory. ACTION Add a user path by creating the directory (if it doesn't already exist). Stop the Server service and type the path of the directory as the value for USERPATH in the server's LANMAN.INI file. Then start the Server and Netlogon services. EXPLANATION The logon script for your account may contain unrecognized commands or commands that couldn't run. MS-DOS workstations run the logon script from the last drive specified by LASTDRIVE= in CONFIG.SYS. ACTION Ask your network administrator to review your logon script. For MS-DOS workstations, make sure that the last drive specified as LASTDRIVE= in CONFIG.SYS is not included in the script command. EXPLANATION The logon wasn't validated by a logon server. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION No domain controller is responding to your command. ACTION See your network administrator. EXPLANATION This workstation already has a logon domain established. ACTION To log on in a different domain, you must first log off from the current domain by typing: NET LOGOFF EXPLANATION Your logon server is running an earlier version of LAN Manager. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't find the user accounts database file, NET.ACC. This file should be in the ACCOUNTS subdirectory of the LANMAN directory. ACTION Copy the backup version of the file, NETACC.BKP, to NET.ACC. If NETACC.BKP does not exist, copy either NET.ACC or NETACC.BKP from a backup floppy disk to NET.ACC in the ACCOUNTS directory. If you have no backup floppy disks, copy the file from the LAN Manager distribution disks. EXPLANATION You specified an unknown groupname. ACTION Check the spelling of the groupname. To display a list of the groups in the user accounts database, type: NET GROUP EXPLANATION You specified an unknown username. ACTION Check the spelling of the username. To display a list of the users in the user accounts database, type: NET USER EXPLANATION You tried to access the permissions for a resource that has no permissions assigned to it. ACTION Create a record of the resource in the database of resource permissions by typing: NET ACCESS resource /ADD You can then assign permissions to users to use the resource. EXPLANATION You tried to create a group with a groupname that already exists. ACTION Use a different groupname for the new group. To display a list of groupnames established on the server, type: NET GROUP EXPLANATION You tried to create a user account with a username that already exists. ACTION Use a different username for the new user account. To display a list of existing usernames, type: NET USER EXPLANATION You tried to create an access record for a resource that already has one. ACTION To change permissions for this resource, use the NET ACCESS command with the GRANT, REVOKE, or CHANGE options. To display the list of resources on this server that have access records, type: NET ACCESS EXPLANATION The specified server is not the primary domain controller, so you can't update its user accounts database. ACTION Run the command on the primary domain controller. If you are using the LAN Manager Screen, set focus on the primary domain controller, then retry the command. If you are using LAN Manager commands, retry the command after setting up a remote administration session on the primary domain controller by typing: NET ADMIN computername /COMMAND EXPLANATION The user accounts database is not active. This database must be active for the command to run. ACTION The user accounts database should have started when the Workstation service started. Check the error log to determine why it wasn't started. EXPLANATION The user accounts database is full. ACTION Free space in the database by deleting users, groups, and resource permissions. To delete a user, type: NET USER username /DELETE To delete a group, type: NET GROUP groupname /DELETE To delete a resource's permissions, type: NET ACCESS resource /DELETE EXPLANATION A software error occurred while LAN Manager tried to access the user accounts database. There may be problems with the user accounts database. ACTION Type the command again. If the error occurs again, use a backup copy of the user account database from a domain member server and try the command again. If the error persists, there may be hardware problems with your disk drive. EXPLANATION Each resource can have no more than 64 access records defined. ACTION Put the users into groups and specify permissions for the groups, rather than for each user. EXPLANATION The user currently has a session with the server. ACTION The session must be ended before you can perform this task. EXPLANATION No permissions have been assigned for the parent directory. ACTION The network administrator must assign permissions for this resource. EXPLANATION The user accounts database has reached its size limit. Nothing can be added to it. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You can't perform this task on special groups such as USERS, ADMINS, and GUESTS. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The user you are trying to add to this group is already a member. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This user is not a member of this group. ACTION To see a list of users in this group, type: NET GROUP groupname EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION Only an administrator can access an expired account. ACTION The administrator must reinstate this account before the action you specified can be taken. EXPLANATION You are not allowed to log on from this workstation. ACTION If you need to log on from this workstation, have your network administrator change the logon workstation(s) listed in your account. EXPLANATION You are not allowed to log on at this time of day. ACTION If you need to log on, have your network administrator change the logon hours listed in your account. EXPLANATION Your password has expired. You will not be able to perform any network tasks until you change your password. ACTION To change your password in the workstation domain, type: NET PASSWORD username oldpassword newpassword To change your password in another domain, type: NET PASSWORD /DOMAIN:name username oldpassword newpassword EXPLANATION You can't change your password. ACTION See your network administrator if you want your password changed. EXPLANATION You can't use a password that has just expired. Your network administrator may also have configured your account so that you can't use any of your previous passwords. ACTION Use a password that you have not used before. EXPLANATION The password you specified is not long enough. ACTION Use a longer password. See your network administrator for the required length for passwords on your system. EXPLANATION You can't change your password again for a certain length of time. ACTION No action is needed. See your network administrator to find the length of time that you must use your current password. EXPLANATION The user accounts database file, NET.ACC, is damaged. ACTION Copy the backup version of the file, NETACC.BKP, to NET.ACC. If there is no NETACC.BKP file on the hard disk, copy NET.ACC or NETACC.BKP from a backup floppy disk. If you have no backups, copy NET.ACC from the LAN Manager distribution disks and retype all account information. EXPLANATION A server requested an update of the user accounts database, even though no update was required. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The local server's user accounts database is completely out of synchronization with that of the primary domain controller, so a complete synchronization is needed. ACTION Stop the Netlogon service on this computer by typing: NET STOP NETLOGON Then restart it with the UPDATE option set to YES by typing: NET START NETLOGON /UPDATE:YES EXPLANATION This network connection does not exist. ACTION To display a list of shared resources to which your computer is connected, type: NET USE EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The devicename you've tried to assign to a shared resource represents a local device that is being shared. ACTION Select another devicename or stop sharing the device that is represented by the devicename you specified. To display a list of resources shared on this server, type: NET SHARE To stop sharing a device, type: NET SHARE devicename /DELETE EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You tried to start the Messenger service, but it is already running. ACTION No action is needed. If this error occurs often, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The initialization sequence of the Messenger service failed, so the service couldn't start. ACTION Check the error log for error messages related to the Messenger service failing to start. This problem may be caused by the way your workstation or server is configured, or by hardware or software errors. EXPLANATION This message alias can't be located. ACTION Check the spelling of the message alias. If it is correct, then the computer that is to receive your message may be busy. Try sending the message again later. EXPLANATION Messages for this alias are already being forwarded to another alias. You must stop this forwarding before you can specify a different alias to forward them to. ACTION To stop forwarding messages for an alias, type: NET FORWARD alias /DELETE EXPLANATION Messages for this alias are being forwarded to another computer. ACTION To stop message forwarding and allow messages to be received by the local computer again, type: NET FORWARD alias /DELETE EXPLANATION You tried to add a message alias that already exists on this computer. ACTION Use a different name if you want to add a new message alias. To display the list of aliases on this computer, type NET NAME EXPLANATION The maximum number of message aliases on each computer is limited by the system hardware. You have reached this limit. This limit also affects the number of other domains you can specify with the OTHDOMAINS option of the NET CONFIG WORKSTATION command. ACTION To find out the limit for your system, see your hardware documentation or ask your administrator. To display a list of current message aliases, type: NET NAME To delete a message alias to make room for a new message alias or another domain specified by the OTHDOMAINS option, type: NET NAME alias /DELETE EXPLANATION You can't delete a message alias that is also a computername. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You can't forward a message to yourself at your own workstation. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION An error occurred when the workstation was receiving or processing a domain-wide message. ACTION Check the workstation's error log. Stop and restart the Messenger service. If the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The person receiving your message has paused the Messenger service, so your message can't be received. ACTION Send your message again later. If the error persists, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION The remote workstation was unable to receive your message. The Workstation or Messenger service may not be running on that workstation, it may have been receiving another message as yours arrived, or its message buffer may be too small. ACTION Send your message again later. If the error persists, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION The computer to which you tried to send a message was receiving another message. A computer can receive only one message at a time. ACTION Send the message again later. EXPLANATION The Messenger service must be running for you to use this command. ACTION To start the Messenger service, type: NET START MESSENGER EXPLANATION You tried to delete a message alias that is not on your computer. ACTION To display a list of aliases on your computer, type: NET NAME EXPLANATION This alias no longer exists on the workstation that was receiving its forwarded messages. The alias may have been deleted at that workstation, or the workstation may have been restarted. ACTION To continue forwarding messages to this alias, type: NET FORWARD alias1 alias2 EXPLANATION The workstation to which you are trying to forward the message alias has no room for new aliases. ACTION Ask the user on that workstation if an existing alias can be deleted so yours can be added, or forward your alias to a different workstation. EXPLANATION Messages for this alias aren't being forwarded. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The broadcast message was too long. Only the first 128 characters of the message were sent. ACTION Keep broadcast messages to 128 characters or less. EXPLANATION You typed a command or ran a program that specified an invalid devicename. ACTION If you specified the devicename, be sure that it is valid and that you have typed it correctly. If a program specified the devicename, consult the program's documentation. EXPLANATION LAN Manager found an error when writing to the message log file. ACTION Contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The name you specified is already in use as a message alias on the network. ACTION Use a different name. EXPLANATION Some hardware configurations have a delay between the typing of a command and the deletion of an alias. ACTION No action is needed. The deletion will occur soon. EXPLANATION The message alias couldn't be deleted from all networks of which this computer is a member. This should cause no problems. ACTION If this error occurs frequently, contact technical support. EXPLANATION You can't run this command on a computer that is on multiple networks. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The sharename you specified doesn't exist. ACTION Check the spelling of the sharename. To display a list of resources shared on the server, type: NET SHARE EXPLANATION The device you specified is not shared. ACTION Check your spelling. To share the device, type: NET SHARE sharename=devicename EXPLANATION The specified computer does not have a session with the server. ACTION Check the spelling of the computername. To display a list of workstations and users that have sessions with the server, type: NET SESSION EXPLANATION There is no open file on the server corresponding to the number you specified. ACTION Check the ID number of the open file. To display a list of open files and their ID numbers, type: NET FILE EXPLANATION The command can't run on the remote server, probably because of a problem with the server's operating system configuration. ACTION Have your network administrator check the configuration of the server's operating system. EXPLANATION The command failed because it couldn't open a temporary file on the server. ACTION See your network administrator. If you need further help, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The maximum amount of data that can be returned by a remote command is 64 kilobytes. The data from the last command exceeded that limit. ACTION Run the command again, redirecting its output to a file on the server. Then examine the contents of the file. EXPLANATION You can't route requests from both a printer queue and a communication-device queue to the same device. ACTION To assign the device to a printer queue, you must first remove it from all communication-device queues. To assign the device to a communication-device queue, you must remove it from all printer queues. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION Your computer is not active in the domain you specified. ACTION To perform this task in this domain, you must add the domain to the list of domains in which your workstation is a member by typing: NET CONFIG WORKSTATION /OTHDOMAINS:domain EXPLANATION The command can't be used on a communication-device queue. ACTION If you need additional help, contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The devicename you typed does not represent a valid local device that can be shared. ACTION Select a valid devicename. EXPLANATION You tried to purge an empty communication-device queue. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The server is not sharing any communication-device queues, so the command you typed is invalid. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The sharename you typed does not exist. ACTION Check your spelling. To see a list of the server's valid communication-device queues, type: NET COMM computername EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The devicename is invalid because it does not represent a physical device or because the device hardware is faulty. ACTION Check your spelling, then retype the command. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator. The administrator should use diagnostics to check that the device hardware is properly installed and working. For more assistance, contact your hardware dealer. EXPLANATION This device is used with a printer queue. You can't use a device with both printer queues and communication-device queues. ACTION To use this device with a communication-device queue, you must first disconnect all printer queues from it. EXPLANATION This device is used with a communication-device queue. You can't use a device with both communication-device queues and printer queues. ACTION To use this device with a printer queue, you must disconnect all communication-device queues from it. EXPLANATION An internal record of a computername is invalid. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The profile is too large. Profile files can be no larger than 64 kilobytes. ACTION Remove unnecessary commands from the profile and try loading it again. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION Loading the profile failed because one or more connections between your computer and other network computers are active. LAN Manager couldn't delete the active connections. ACTION If you were trying to load the profile onto a workstation, be sure the workstation isn't actively using any shared resources. Be sure the current directory in each MS OS/2 session is not a shared directory. If you were trying to load the profile onto a server, you must wait until none of the server's shared resources are being used actively. To see which users are actively using the server's resources, type: NET FILE EXPLANATION The profile contains an invalid command. ACTION Check the profile. See your network administrator if you need help. EXPLANATION The system couldn't open the profile. ACTION The profile file may be damaged. Create a new profile. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION You are logged on with an account that doesn't have sufficient privilege to save the server's entire current configuration. Only part of the configuration was saved to the profile. ACTION Log on with an account with administrative privilege (or server operator privilege) before saving a server profile. EXPLANATION The log file is too large. ACTION Clear the log file or increase the MAXERRORLOG entry in the computer's LANMAN.INI file. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION You can't begin reading the log file from the previously established position because the log file has changed since the last time you read it. ACTION You can read the log file again from the beginning. EXPLANATION The log file is damaged. ACTION Copy the file to another filename if you will need it later. Then start a new log file. To start a new audit trail, type: NET AUDIT /DELETE To start a new error log, type: NET ERROR /DELETE EXPLANATION The source path you typed is a directory name, which is not allowed. ACTION You must include a filename or wildcard in the pathname. To copy all files in a directory, type: COPY [source]\*.* destination EXPLANATION You referred to a nonexistent drive, directory, or filename, or you typed the command incorrectly. ACTION Check the spelling of the source or pathname you've typed. Remember to precede computernames with two backslashes, as in \\computername. EXPLANATION The destination pathname does not exist. ACTION Check your spelling. If you need more information, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You tried to run a program or command on a server that is paused. ACTION See your network administrator. The administrator must continue the server for your command to run. EXPLANATION LAN Manager found a problem while trying to complete the task. ACTION Type the command again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION LAN Manager found a problem while trying to complete the task. ACTION Type the command again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION LAN Manager found a problem while trying to complete the task. ACTION Type the command again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION The LANA number in the LANMAN.INI file is incorrect. ACTION A NETn entry in the [networks] section of the computer's LANMAN.INI file needs to be corrected. See your network administrator if you need help. EXPLANATION You tried to delete an active connection. There are open files or requests pending on this connection. ACTION Close all files and end all programs related to the connection before you try to delete it. EXPLANATION You tried to delete a network connection that has an active process, or you tried to log off while you have an active process. ACTION Be sure that the processes running on a server are completed before you break the connection to that server, and that processes on all remote servers are completed before you log off. EXPLANATION Either the password or sharename you typed is incorrect. ACTION Check your spelling. If you still have problems, ask your network administrator to verify the password and the sharename, and that you have access to the resource. This problem can also be caused by duplicate computernames. Don't give computers on different networks identical computernames if there is any computer that is on both networks. EXPLANATION The drive letter you specified is the current drive of an MS OS/2 session. ACTION Be sure the drive you are trying to delete is not the current drive in any of your sessions. EXPLANATION You tried to assign a local drive letter or printer port to a shared resource. ACTION Use a different drive letter or printer port that does not correspond to a local drive or printer port. EXPLANATION A program requested to be notified by the alerter of an event for which it is already receiving notifications. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The number of alert notifications requested exceeded the number specified by the NUMALERTS entry in your LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Increase the value of the NUMALERTS entry. Then, stop and restart the Workstation service. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Be sure the Alerter service is started. If this error occurs while the Alerter service is started, contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION LAN Manager ended a user's session with this server because the user's logon time expired. ACTION No action is needed. To define the times during which a user can use the server, type: NET USER username /TIMES:times EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The user accounts database is not configured properly. There may be a conflict between the /ROLE option, which defines how this server participates in logon security, and the server's record of the name of the primary domain controller. For example, the role of this computer may be set to PRIMARY while the primary domain controller entry names a different server. ACTION Stop the Netlogon service by typing: NET STOP NETLOGON Set the server's role by typing: NET ACCOUNTS /ROLE:role Restart the Netlogon service by typing: NET START NETLOGON EXPLANATION You can't perform this task while the Netlogon service is running. ACTION To perform this task, stop the Netlogon service on the server. Retype the command, then restart the Netlogon service. EXPLANATION This is the only account with admin privilege. You can't delete it. ACTION You must add another account with admin privilege before deleting this one. EXPLANATION LAN Manager can't find the primary domain controller for this domain. This task can't be completed unless the primary domain controller is running in this domain. ACTION Start the Netlogon service on the primary domain controller. EXPLANATION The logon server couldn't update the logon or logoff information. ACTION Stop and restart the Netlogon service at the server that returned this error. EXPLANATION The Netlogon service isn't running. ACTION Start the Netlogon service at the server, then type the command again. EXPLANATION The user accounts database can't be enlarged because the server's hard disk is full. ACTION Check the server's disk and remove unnecessary and outdated files. EXPLANATION This server's clock does not have the same time as the primary domain controller. The internal clock for backup domain controllers and member servers must be set to within 10 minutes of the primary domain controller's clock. ACTION Use the NET TIME command to synchronize the server's clock with the primary domain controller's clock. EXPLANATION You have recently changed your password and the server doesn't recognize it. ACTION Log off from the network then log on again. This changes the user account database and allows the server to recognize the password. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The table of available servers is full. You will not be able to see a complete list of network servers when you type the NET VIEW command or use the LAN Manager Screen. ACTION Stopping other processes or services on the workstation may free enough memory to correct this problem. MS-DOS workstations have a NUMSERVERS entry in the LANMAN.INI file, which specifies the number of servers that the workstation can list with NET VIEW. Increasing this value can solve this problem, but will also use more memory. EXPLANATION The server is supporting the maximum number of sessions. ACTION Try the command later. You won't be able to start a session with this server until another user's session has ended. Also, see your network administrator. The administrator may want to purchase an Additional User Pak for the server or increase the value of the MAXUSERS entry of the server's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION The server is supporting the maximum number of connections. ACTION To make another connection to the server, first end a current connection. If you have no connections that you can end, try your command again later. You will be able to make your connection once another user's connection is ended. Also, see your network administrator. The administrator may want to increase the value of the MAXCONNECTIONS entry of the server's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION No more files on the server can be opened. ACTION To open another file, you will first have to close a file that is currently open or stop a network application that has open files. Also, see your network administrator. The administrator may want to increase the value of the MAXOPENS entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION This server has no alternate servers registered. ACTION Contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION The UPS service couldn't access the UPS driver (UPSDRV.OS2). The UPS driver might not be configured properly. ACTION Be sure that your CONFIG.SYS file has a DEVICE line specifying the location of the UPS device driver and that the /PORT option of that line specifies the serial port that the UPS is connected to. This line must appear before any other lines that install other serial port drivers. If you make changes to CONFIG.SYS, you will need to reboot your system for them to take effect. EXPLANATION An MS-DOS error occurred. ACTION Boot the workstation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator. The administrator should make sure the remoteboot server is sharing the resources necessary for the Remoteboot service. EXPLANATION The program listed needs more memory. ACTION Contact your network administrator. The administrator will need to allocate extra memory to this program by editing the server's boot-block definition file. EXPLANATION The program on the workstation called an MS-DOS function that the Remoteboot service does not support. ACTION In the boot-block definition files, use device drivers that call only functions that the Remoteboot service supports. EXPLANATION The workstation failed to boot. ACTION Boot the workstation again. If it fails again, see your network administrator. The administrator may have to stop and restart the Remoteboot service on the server. EXPLANATION While booting the workstation, LAN Manager found that the listed file is damaged. ACTION Check the listed file. EXPLANATION No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file. ACTION Contact your network administrator. The administrator will have to specify a loader in the boot-block definition file. EXPLANATION A NetBIOS error occurred. ACTION Boot the workstation again. If that fails, see your network administrator. The administrator may have to stop and restart the Remoteboot service on the server. EXPLANATION LAN Manager found an error while reading the image file on the server. ACTION Check the access permissions on the server's image file. EXPLANATION There was an error in the image parameter substitution. ACTION Contact your network administrator. The administrator should check the RPL.MAP file and the image file. EXPLANATION Too many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries. ACTION Recreate the source disk from which the image was made, using smaller fields for tilde substitution. Run MAKEIMG on the new disk to create a new image file. Then try booting the workstation again. EXPLANATION This warning was generated by the loader. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION An error caused a temporary pause in booting this workstation. LAN Manager will continue to boot this workstation soon. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION An attempt to access a server running the Remoteboot service failed. ACTION See your network administrator. The administrator should be sure the Remoteboot service is running on a server in the domain. EXPLANATION An attempt to connect your workstation to the remoteboot server failed. ACTION Contact your network administrator. The administrator should make sure the Remoteboot service is running on a server that can boot this workstation. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't open the image file on the remoteboot server. ACTION Contact your network administrator. The administrator should make sure the Remoteboot service is running on a server that can boot this workstation. EXPLANATION The workstation is connecting to a remoteboot server. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The workstation is booting. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service stopped. ACTION To see why the Remoteboot service stopped, check the error log by typing: NET ERROR EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service could not be started. ACTION To find out why the service couldn't be started, check the error log by typing: NET ERROR EXPLANATION A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The fault-tolerance device driver, DISKFT.SYS, is not installed. ACTION To install the fault-tolerance system, run the FTSETUP utility by typing: FTSETUP EXPLANATION FTMONIT is not running. ACTION Reinstall the fault-tolerance system by running the FTSETUP utility. EXPLANATION FTADMIN couldn't lock the drive to perform the requested task. ACTION Try the operation again later. EXPLANATION Another process running on this computer has locked the drive. ACTION Try the operation again later. EXPLANATION This action can't be taken now. ACTION Try again later. If the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION Neither verification nor correction is happening now. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This action can't be taken now. ACTION Wait until verification or correction has stopped. EXPLANATION An attempt to change the state of the drive failed. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The error may have been corrected previously. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This drive is not mirrored. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service does not support the network adapter identifier. ACTION Verify that the network adapter is compatible for Remoteboot, if not, then use the Remoteboot service and Remoteboot Manager to create a new configuration for the network adapter. See the Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide for information about adding network adapter identifiers. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service is already configured to recognize the network adapter identifier. ACTION No action is necessary. EXPLANATION There is already a profile that has the name you typed. ACTION Choose a different name for the profile. EXPLANATION There is already a workstation with the computername you typed. ACTION Choose a different computername. EXPLANATION You may have mistyped the profile name, or the profile you selected has not been created. ACTION Retype the profile name, or create a new profile. EXPLANATION The item you selected cannot be changed, it is currently being used by another process. ACTION Retry the operation later. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service is not installed on this server. ACTION Install the Remoteboot service. The Remoteboot service can only be installed on servers that are running user-level security. EXPLANATION The profile or computername you typed is too long. A profile or computername can have as many as 8 characters. ACTION Use a profile name or computername with fewer characters. EXPLANATION The profile or computername you typed contains characters that are invalid for filenames, directory names, or user account names. ACTION Retype the profile name or computername with the correct characters. Valid characters include letters, numbers, and the following characters: ! # $ % & ( ) - . @ ^ ' { } ~ EXPLANATION You cannot delete a profile that is currently being used by one or more workstations. ACTION Delete or reassign the workstations, then delete the profile. EXPLANATION You may have mistyped the computername, or a workstation with the computername you typed does not exist. ACTION Retype the computername. EXPLANATION The RPL.MAP file cannot be opened or may be corrupted. ACTION The file may be corrupted because it has been changed. Restore the file from a backup copy. If no backup copy exists, reinstall the Remoteboot service. EXPLANATION The RPLMGR.INI file cannot be opened or may be damaged. ACTION The file may be damaged because it has been changed. Restore the file from a backup copy. If no backup copy exists, reinstall the Remoteboot service. EXPLANATION The profile you selected does not match the workstation's hardware configuration. ACTION Select a profile that matches the hardware configuration for the workstation, or create a new profile if a matching profile doesn't exist. EXPLANATION The workstation has not been configured to use the Remoteboot service. ACTION Verify the workstation has a Remoteboot ROM. If you are using a workstation with a hard disk, use the RPLENABL utility to configure the hard disk. If you are using an MS OS/2 workstation, the network adapter card must be set to use either hardware interrupt IRQ2, or a hardware interrupt level greater than IRQ7. EXPLANATION You cannot change the computername of a workstation that uses the Remoteboot service. ACTION To change the workstation's computername, you must first disable the Remoteboot service for the workstation, then use the LAN Manager Setup program to change the computername of the workstation. EXPLANATION The profile name cannot be changed. ACTION You must create a new profile to use the name you want. EXPLANATION The profile's configuration cannot be changed. ACTION You must create a new profile and assign it the configuration you want. EXPLANATION The *ALL* and *NEW* profiles cannot be deleted. ACTION No action necessary. EXPLANATION You attempted to add a workstation to the *ALL* or *NEW* profiles. ACTION Select a different profile for the workstation to use. EXPLANATION The operating system configuration is incorrectly installed or hasn't been installed on the server. ACTION If the operating system configuration is installed, make sure the paths are correct to the operating system configuration directories. If the operating system configuration hasn't been installed, use the RPLSETUP utility to install the correct configuration. EXPLANATION There is already a user account that uses the computername you typed. ACTION Choose a different computername, or delete the existing user account. EXPLANATION You attempted to add a workstation that is in use to a different profile. ACTION Delete the session to the workstation, add it to the profile, then restart the workstation. EXPLANATION The operation could not be completed because the Netlogon service is not running. ACTION Start the Netlogon service at the primary domain controller, then retry the operation. EXPLANATION You specified invalid values for one or more of the service's options. ACTION Retype the command with correct values, or change the values for the listed options in the LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION You must specify a value for the listed option. ACTION You must define a value for the option, either from the command line or in the LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION This option isn't valid for this service. ACTION Check the spelling of this option. If you didn't type it from the command line, check the LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION The service required more of the listed resource than was available. ACTION Increase the amount of this resource. Stopping other services or applications may free some resources, such as memory. Also, check the swap disk, specified by the SWAPPATH entry in the LANMAN.INI file. If this disk is full, delete unnecessary files and directories from it to clear space. EXPLANATION The system is not configured correctly. ACTION See your network administrator. EXPLANATION The system error may be an internal LAN Manager error or an MS OS/2 or MS-DOS error. ACTION If an error code beginning with "NET" (a LAN Manager error) or "SYS" (an MS OS/2 error) is displayed, you can use the HELPMSG command to get more information about the error. For a LAN Manager error, type: NET HELPMSG message# For an MS OS/2 error, type: HELPMSG message# where message# is the actual error number. If no error number was displayed, contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION This option can be confused with other options that start with the same letter. ACTION Spell out enough of the option so that it can't be confused with other command options. EXPLANATION An option was used more than once in your command or in the LANMAN.INI file. An option can be used only once in a command and once in the LANMAN.INI file. If an option is typed from the command line, it overrides the value in LANMAN.INI. ACTION Don't type the same option twice in a command. Be sure not to use different abbreviations that can specify the same option, such as "wrkserv" and "wrkservices." If the error wasn't caused by a command, check the LANMAN.INI file for duplicate options. EXPLANATION The service didn't respond to a control signal. The service may not be running correctly or a fatal error might have occurred. LAN Manager stopped the service. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The service you specified couldn't start. ACTION In the [services] section of the LANMAN.INI file, find the name of the program file for this service. Be sure this file exists and is an executable file with a filename extension of .EXE or .COM. If the program file exists, it may be damaged. If possible, restore the file from a backup version. Otherwise, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The specified service couldn't be started automatically when another service was started. ACTION Start the service individually. EXPLANATION Two command-line options or LANMAN.INI entries have conflicting values. ACTION Check the command you typed or the LANMAN.INI file for conflicting options. EXPLANATION A problem with the listed configuration file prevents the service from starting. ACTION Check the listed file. EXPLANATION An operation was attempted that requires LAN Manager. Either LAN Manager is not installed, or the MINSES.EXE file required for LAN Manager is not loaded, therefore the workstation will not start. ACTION Install LAN Manager. If LAN Manager is installed and you are using LAN Manager Enhanced, verify that the following entries are in LANMAN.INI: [network] netservices=minses [services] minses=\NETPROG\MINSES.EXE If LANManager is installed and you are using LAN Manager Basic, verify that MINSES.EXE is listed in the start workstation section of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION The CACHE.EXE program must be running before the LAN Manager 386 server can be started. ACTION Run CACHE.EXE by typing: CACHE You can also add a RUN line to the CONFIG.SYS file to have CACHE.EXE start automatically whenever the computer starts. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The system required more of a resource than was available. ACTION Change the value of the listed option in the LANMAN.INI file to allow the system to access more of the resource. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A program or command couldn't run because LAN Manager is not started or installed. ACTION Check that LAN Manager is installed and that the Workstation service is started. Then type the command again. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The error log is full, and one or more error log entries have been lost. ACTION If you want to save the current error log file, copy it to another filename. Then clear the error log by typing: NET ERROR /DELETE EXPLANATION The operation was unable to be completed. ACTION Reboot the computer. If the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The server's main information segment is larger than the largest segment that can be allocated. ACTION Decrease the values for one or more of the following entries in the server's LANMAN.INI file: MAXCHDEVJOB MAXCONNECTIONS MAXOPENS MAXCHDEVQ MAXLOCKS MAXSHARES MAXCHDEVS Then restart the Server service. EXPLANATION The server can't increase the size of a memory segment. ACTION Be sure that the MEMMAN entry in the server's CONFIG.SYS file allows swapping and that there is at least 1 megabyte of free space on the swap disk. The swap disk is specified by the SWAPPATH entry in CONFIG.SYS. You could also decrease the value of the NUMBIGBUF entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION The user accounts database, NET.ACC, is missing, damaged, or in a format incompatible with this version of LAN Manager. ACTION Copy the backup file, NETACC.BKP, to NET.ACC. If NETACC.BKP does not exist, copy NET.ACC or NETACC.BKP from a backup floppy or from the LAN Manager distribution disks. If you have upgraded your LAN Manager software, you may need to convert the user accounts database to a new format. See the instructions that came with your upgrade. EXPLANATION All networks named in the SRVNETS entry of the server's LANMAN.INI file must use the LAN Manager workstation software. ACTION Be sure that all networks named in the SRVNETS entry of the server's LANMAN.INI file are also named in the WRKNETS entry of that file. EXPLANATION The LANMAN.INI entries CHARWAIT, CHARTIME, and CHARCOUNT must all be zero or must all have non-zero values. ACTION Correct the entries and restart the Server service. EXPLANATION The server received an invalid request to run a command. The request may have been damaged by the network. ACTION No action is needed. If this error occurs frequently, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The server found a resource shortage in a network driver when it tried to issue a network control block (NCB). ACTION Be sure that the NETn entries in the LANMAN.INI file specify valid NetBIOS device drivers and that these device drivers are in the LANMAN\DRIVERS directory. Also be sure that the CONFIG.SYS file contains a DEVICE line specifying the absolute pathname s of the device drivers. You may be able to increase the NCBs for the listed network by changing an option in the network's NETn entry in LANMAN.INI. See the installation guide that came with your network adapter for information about those options. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION The server can't respond to a Releasememory alert. Otherwise, the server is functioning normally. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The server can't respond to a Releasememory alert. Otherwise, the server is functioning normally. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The schedule file, SCHED.LOG in the LOGS directory, is damaged. ACTION Restore the schedule file from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one using the AT utility. EXPLANATION The server couldn't find the NET.MSG file. ACTION The NET.MSG file should be in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory. If it isn't there, copy it from the LAN Manager distribution disks. EXPLANATION There is not enough memory available to run the Server service. ACTION Stop other applications and services (except the Workstation service) running on the computer and try again. If the problem continues, you will have to add memory to the computer. EXPLANANTION The server was unable to access required memory. ACTION Be sure there is at least 1 megabyte of free space on the swap disk. The swap disk is specified by the SWAPPATH entry in CONFIG.SYS. Then restart the computer and try to start the Server service again. EXPLANATION HPFS386 was unable to allocate more memory for work buffers or heap. ACTION Stop other applications or services running on the computer, or reduce the cache size. If the problem continues, add more memory to the computer. EXPLANATION HPFS386 ran out of file and search handles. ACTION Close open files on the server and try the operation again. EXPLANATION HPFS386 ran out of network request buffers. Some network requests may have been denied. ACTION Increase the value of the NUMREQBUF parameter in the [server] section of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION An error occurred when the Messenger service tried to access the message log, so message logging has stopped. The error may have been caused by a full disk, a disk error, the file being locked by another process, or any other situation that would cau se an error while writing to a file. ACTION If the disk is full, free space on it by deleting unnecessary files and directories. Then check that the message log file is accessible, and start message logging by typing: NET LOG /ON EXPLANATION The Messenger service couldn't display a message because an error occurred while the message box was being created. ACTION If message logging was on, the message was still logged to the file and can be viewed by displaying or printing the message log file. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The workstation's main information segment is larger than the largest segment that can be allocated. ACTION Decrease the values for one or more of the following entries in the [workstation] section of the LANMAN.INI file. If you need help, see your network administrator. MAXCMDS NUMCHARBUF NUMWORKBUF MAXTHREADS NUMDGRAMBUF SIZCHARBUF NUMALERTS NUMSERVICES SIZERROR After you change LANMAN.INI, restart the Workstation service. If you change the MAXCMDS or MAXTHREADS entry, you will have to restart the computer. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The Workstation service may have been started improperly. Always use the NET START command to start the workstation; do not run WKSTA.EXE directly. ACTION To start the Workstation service, type: NET START WORKSTATION If more problems occur, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The internal table that maintains information about network servers is full. You can access all network servers normally, but you may not be able to see all servers when you type the NET VIEW command. This happens only on very large networks. ACTION See your network administrator. The administrator may want to divide the network into domains, using the DOMAIN entry in each computer's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The Workstation service failed to start the user accounts database. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION An error occurred when LAN Manager tried to identify the members of the specified group. The group is probably too large. ACTION Split the group into two or more smaller groups. EXPLANATION An error occurred when an alert message was sent. The username designated to receive the alert may no longer exist. ACTION Update the ALERTNAMES entry in the [server] section of the server's LANMAN.INI file. Remove usernames that no longer exist. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION LAN Manager can't read the schedule file because the file is damaged. ACTION Restore the schedule file from a backup copy, if you have one. If not, delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. EXPLANATION The schedule file contains a record with an invalid format. ACTION Restore the schedule file from a backup copy, if you have one. If not, delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. EXPLANATION The server created a schedule file. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The server couldn't start one of its networks. ACTION Be sure that each network listed in the SRVNETS entry in the server's LANMAN.INI file has a corresponding entry in the [networks] section of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION You used the AT utility to specify a program that couldn't run. ACTION Check the filename of the program you tried to schedule. If it is in a directory not on the computer's search path, be sure to specify its full pathname. Be sure that all programs you schedule are executable. EXPLANATION An error occurred when the lazy-write process tried to write to the specified hard disk. ACTION Run CHKDSK on the specified drive to check for problems with the disk or the files affected by the lazy-write process. EXPLANATION The fault-tolerance system found a bad disk sector and rerouted data to a good sector (this is called hotfixing). No data was lost. ACTION Run CHKDSK soon to ensure that enough good disk sectors are available for hotfixing. EXPLANATION An error occurred during an operation on the listed disk because of problems with the disk. The operation probably didn't succeed. ACTION Retry the operation. If the problem persists and you are unable to recover data from the disk, use backups of the affected files, if you have any. EXPLANATION The user accounts database file is damaged, so the backup file made at the listed date is now being used. Changes made to the user accounts database since this time were lost. Local security is still in effect. ACTION To update the user accounts database, retype changes made to it since the listed date. EXPLANATION The user accounts database file is missing, so the backup file made at the listed date is now being used. Changes made to the user accounts database since this time were lost. Local security is still in effect. ACTION To update the user accounts database, retype changes made to it since the listed date. EXPLANATION Local security couldn't start because the user accounts database file, NET.ACC, is missing or damaged and no backup file exists on the hard disk. ACTION Restore NET.ACC from a backup. The backup file will be named either NET.ACC or NETACC.BKP. Then restart the computer. If there is no backup, reinstall LAN Manager using the Setup program. EXPLANATION Local security couldn't start because of the listed error. ACTION Find and correct the cause of the listed error, then restart the computer. EXPLANATION HPFS386 dynamically reduced the cache size in order to satisfy memory requirements. ACTION Add more memory to the computer, or type CACHE /OPTIONS to see how big the cache is, then reduce the cache size on the IFS= line in CONFIG.SYS and reboot. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The workstation is out of the specified resource. ACTION Adjust the workstation's LANMAN.INI file to increase the amount of this resource. If you need help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION An error occurred on a request sent to the specified server. Most likely, the resource to which the workstation was connected is no longer shared. ACTION Ask a network administrator to reshare the resource so that you can use it. If this solution fails, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The connection between your workstation and the specified server was unexpectedly disconnected. The server may have been rebooted or a network problem may have occurred. ACTION If the server was rebooted, retry the operation to reestablish the connection. If you need more assistance, contact technical support. Note that this message displays a network control block (NCB) value and the NCB error that was returned. Save this information for technical support. EXPLANATION The session to the specified server was ended because the server wasn't responding. ACTION Ask your network administrator if the server is running, then reconnect to the server. The amount of time a workstation waits for a server to respond to a request is determined by the SESSTIMEOUT entry in the workstation's LANMAN.INI file. If your sessions to servers are frequently ended by this error, you may want to increase the value of SESSTIMEOUT. If you need help, see your adminis trator. EXPLANATION An unexpected network control block (NCB) error occurred on the session with the specified server. The server may have been rebooted, or a network problem may have occurred. ACTION Ask your network administrator if the server was recently rebooted. If you need more assistance, contact technical support. Note that this message displays an NCB value and the NCB error that was returned. Save this information for technical support. EXPLANATION An attempt to write data to a file failed. ACTION See if the specified disk is full. Also be sure that you have write permission to the target file. EXPLANATION The specified NetBIOS driver found a problem that required the network adapter card to be reset. When the card was reset, the problem wasn't solved. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The amount of the listed resource requested was more than the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated. ACTION Have your network administrator check the configuration of the workstation. EXPLANATION The server was unable to create a thread. ACTION Increase the value of the THREADS entry in the server's CONFIG.SYS file. The range for this value is 64 to 512. EXPLANATION The server found an error while closing the listed file. ACTION The file may be damaged. If it is, restore it from a backup copy. EXPLANATION A directory can't be replicated when it is the current directory of a process and its value for INTEGRITY is TREE. ACTION For the directory to be replicated, be sure it isn't the current directory of any process. EXPLANATION This server found that another server is exporting the listed directory to the listed import server. ACTION Be sure that only one computer is configured as the export server of this directory for the listed import computer. Check the EXPORTLIST and EXPORTPATH entries in the LANMAN.INI files of the export servers and the IMPORTLIST and IMPORTPATH entries in the LANMAN.INI file of the import server. EXPLANATION An error prevented this server from updating the listed directory from the export server. The directory can't be updated until the problem is corrected. ACTION Copy the files manually if necessary and investigate the cause of the listed error. EXPLANATION This server's Replicator service lost contact with the export server for the listed directory. ACTION Be sure the Server and Replicator services are running on the export server. EXPLANATION This server was denied access to the user accounts database at the primary domain controller. Until this problem is corrected, the server can't synchronize user account information with the primary domain controller. ACTION Stop and restart the Netlogon service at this server. EXPLANATION The Replicator service was denied access to the listed export server. Until this problem is corrected, the replicator can't update the local copies of files exported by that server. ACTION Be sure that the local computer has an account on the export server. The username and password for this account are specified by the LOGON and PASSWORD entries in the local computer's LANMAN.INI file. If there is no LOGON entry, then the local comput ername is used as the username and no password is used. EXPLANATION The Replicator service stopped because the listed LAN Manager error occurred. ACTION To get more information about the error, type: NET HELPMSG message# where "message#" is the error code. EXPLANATION A directory that is being replicated can have no more than 200 files. ACTION Remove files from the directory until 200 or fewer remain. EXPLANATION The replication tree can be no more than 32 levels deep. ACTION Reorganize the replicated directories so that no path is more than 32 levels deep. EXPLANATION A software error occurred. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION The Replicator service stopped because the listed MS OS/2 error occurred. ACTION Check the cause of the MS OS/2 error. EXPLANATION The computer can't update its copies of the replicated files while a user is logged on and the TRYUSER option is set to NO. ACTION No action is needed. The computer will update the files when no user is logged on. To have the local computer update files while users are logged on, change the value of the TRYUSER entry in the [replicator] section of the LANMAN.INI file to YES. EXPLANATION The path specified to be the import path, either from the command line or in the LANMAN.INI file, doesn't exist. ACTION Check the spelling of the IMPORTPATH entry in LANMAN.INI. This entry must specify a directory that exists. EXPLANATION The path specified to be the export path doesn't exist. ACTION Check the spelling of the EXPORTPATH entry in the LANMAN.INI file. This entry must specify a directory that exists. EXPLANATION The listed MS OS/2 error caused the Replicator service to fail to update its status. ACTION Check the cause of the MS OS/2 error. EXPLANATION An error was recorded by the fault-tolerance system. The error is explained in the original error message. ACTION Read the original error message text. EXPLANATION Because of the listed MS OS/2 error, the Replicator service couldn't access a file on the listed export server. ACTION Be sure the local computer's account on the export server has permission to read the directories being replicated. The name of this account is specified in the LOGON entry of the local computer's LANMAN.INI file. If there is no LOGON entry, then the name of the account is the computername of the local computer. EXPLANATION The primary domain controller for this domain has stopped. ACTION Restart the primary domain controller. If this is not possible, promote another server with user-level security to be the primary domain controller. EXPLANATION This server found an error while changing its password at the primary domain controller. ACTION You must change the password for this computer manually, both at this server and at the primary domain controller. To change the password at this server, first stop the NETLOGON service by typing: NET STOP NETLOGON Temporarily change the server's role to STANDALONE by typing: NET ACCOUNTS /ROLE:STANDALONE Then change the password of this server's account, both at this server and at the primary domain controller, by typing: NET USER computername newpassword where computername is the computername of this server. Once the password is changed, return the server to its original role. EXPLANATION The current logon statistics may not be accurate because an error occurred while logon and logoff information was being updated. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The local copy of the user accounts database may be out of synchronization with that of the primary domain controller because an error occurred while the database was being updated. ACTION Stop the Netlogon service by typing: NET STOP NETLOGON Then restart it, with the UPDATE option set to YES, by typing: NET START NETLOGON /UPDATE:YES EXPLANATION The server had a power failure. ACTION The UPS service is shutting down the server. Stop applications that are running on the server and have users disconnect their connections to the server. EXPLANATION This server's battery is low, probably because of an extended power outage or a dead UPS battery. ACTION No action is needed. The server will shut down automatically. EXPLANATION The UPS service couldn't finish running the command file specified by the CMDFILE entry in the [ups] section of the server's LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Check files that could be damaged by the failure of the command file. For example, check files used by applications that the command file stops. EXPLANATION The UPS service couldn't access the UPS driver (UPSDRV.OS2). The UPS driver might not be configured properly. ACTION Be sure that your CONFIG.SYS file has a DEVICE line specifying the location of the UPS device driver and that the /PORT option of that line specifies the serial port that the battery is connected to. If you make changes to CONFIG.SYS, you must restart your system for them to take effect. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service couldn't start because the listed entry was missing from LANMAN.INI. ACTION Add the listed entry to the server's LANMAN.INI file. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service couldn't start because of an invalid line in the listed configuration file. ACTION Check the listed line. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service failed to start because of an error in the listed configuration file. ACTION Check the listed file. EXPLANATION The listed file was changed after the Remoteboot service was started. Loading the boot block stopped temporarily. ACTION Stop and restart the Remoteboot service. EXPLANATION The files in the listed boot-block definition file do not fit in the boot block. ACTION Change the order of the files or the value of BASE or ORG. EXPLANATION The Remoteboot service couldn't start because the listed dynamic link library returned the incorrect version number. ACTION Be sure you are using the correct versions of the dynamic link libraries. EXPLANATION An unrecoverable error occurred because of a problem with the dynamic link library of the Remoteboot service. ACTION Be sure you are using the correct versions of the dynamic link libraries. EXPLANATION The system returned an unexpected error code. The error code is in the data. ACTION Check the cause of the error. EXPLANATION The fault-tolerance system error log is larger than 64K. ACTION: Run FTADMIN to fix any existing errors and clear them from the error log. EXPLANATION The server crashed while accessing the fault-tolerance error log, possibly damaging that log. The damaged fault-tolerance error log was cleared after its contents were backed up to LANMAN\LOGS\FT.ERR. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION There was a version number mismatch in a remote boot component. ACTION Make sure all remoteboot components come from the same set of LANMAN disks. EXPLANATION The computer doesn't have enough memory available to start the Workstation service. ACTION Stop other applications running on the computer, then start the Workstation service again. To run a LAN Manager workstation on a computer with MS OS/2, 3 megabytes of RAM are required. For LAN Manager on MS-DOS computers, 512 kilobytes are required. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't read the entries in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Be sure that LANMAN.INI exists (in the LANMAN directory). Check the format of the entries in the [networks] section. EXPLANATION The listed variable or option (from an entry in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file) is invalid. ACTION Check the format of the entries in the [networks] section of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION The listed entry in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file has a syntax error. ACTION Check the format of the listed entry. EXPLANATION The LANMAN.INI file can't have more than 12 entries in the [networks] section. ACTION Remove entries from the [networks] section until 12 or fewer remain. EXPLANATION The listed device driver couldn't be installed. ACTION Check that the listed entry in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file is valid. In CONFIG.SYS, check the DEVICE entry that loads this device driver--the parameters of that entry may not be correct. Also check that the DEVICE entry specifies the correct pathname of the device driver. EXPLANATION The device driver specified is incorrect. It may not be compatible with the network adapter card, or it may be out of date. ACTION Use a different device driver. EXPLANATION LAN Manager 2.0 for MS OS/2 can be run only on MS OS/2 version 1.2 ACTION Install MS OS/2 version 1.2 on this computer. EXPLANATION The redirector is already installed. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The LAN Manager device driver NETWKSTA.SYS couldn't be installed. ACTION Another error message, containing a more detailed explanation of the error, should have been displayed prior to this message. See that message for the cause of the problem. EXPLANATION An internal error occured. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid command option. ACTION To see a list of options for this command, type: NET HELP command When typing commands, remember that most options must be preceded with a slash, as in /DELETE. EXPLANATION The specified MS OS/2 error occurred. ACTION Correct the problem and retype the command. EXPLANATION The command has an invalid number of options or variables. ACTION To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION The command tried to perform multiple tasks, and some of them failed. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect value for a command option. ACTION To see the syntax of this command and its options, type: NET HELP command /OPTIONS EXPLANATION The specified option is invalid. ACTION Check your spelling. To see a list of options for this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION The specified option can be confused with other options. ACTION Type enough letters of the option so that it is unambiguous. To see a list of options for this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION The specified MS-DOS error occurred. ACTION Correct the problem and retype the command. EXPLANATION Too many programs or services were specified as wrkservices and/or netservices, either from the command line or in the computer's LANMAN.INI file. ACTION Specify fewer programs and services as wrkservices and/or netservices. EXPLANATION You typed a command with two options that conflict, such as /YES and /NO. ACTION Retype the command without contradictory options. EXPLANATION The specified program file wasn't found. ACTION Check that the program is in the same directory as NET.EXE, which is usually in LANMAN\NETPROG. This directory should also be in your search path (specified by the operating system PATH command). EXPLANATION To run LAN Manager 2.1, you must use MS OS/2 versions 1.2x or 1.3. ACTION Run LAN Manager 2.1 only on computers with MS OS/2 versions 1.2x or 1.3. EXPLANATION LAN Manager was unable to display all available data. ACTION The action required depends on the command that returned the error. See your network administrator. EXPLANATION NET CONSOLE can't be used on a workstation running the Peer service. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This task can't be performed while the service is starting or stopping. ACTION Try the task later. EXPLANATION You can't start or stop a LAN Manager service from within a Windows session. ACTION Exit Windows, then retype the command. EXPLANATION There is either not enough memory to run the specified executable file, or the file is either missing or corrupt. ACTION If memory is a problem, tune the server's existing memory configuration, add more memory, or run fewer services. If memory is not the problem, verify that the specified file exists and that its pathname is correct. If the file exists and the pathname is correct, the file may be corrupted. If the file is missing or corrupted, reinstall LAN Manager. EXPLANATION NETACC.OLD is a temporary file created during the update of NETACC.BKP. Its presence means that the system crashed during the backup, and the file NETACC.BKP may only be a partial copy of the user accounts database. ACTION Delete NETACC.BKP and NETACC.OLD, and rerun BACKACC. EXPLANATION NETAUD.OLD is a temporary file created during the update of NETAUD.BKP. Its presence means that the system crashed during the backup, and the file NETAUD.BKP may only be a partial copy of the audit trail. ACTION Stop the Server service. Copy NET.AUD to NETAUD.BKP and delete NETAUD.OLD. Then restart the server. EXPLANATION The listed file couldn't be opened. ACTION Be sure that the file exists and that you have permission to read the file. EXPLANATION The listed file couldn't be created. ACTION Be sure that the file is not read-only and that you have permission to create the file. EXPLANATION The listed file couldn't be deleted. ACTION Be sure that the file is not read-only and that you have permission to delete the file. EXPLANATION The listed file couldn't be renamed. ACTION Be sure that the file isn't read-only and that you have permission to delete the old filename and create and write to the new filename. EXPLANATION The copy command couldn't run. ACTION Be sure that you have permission to read the source file and write to the destination file. EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't open the backup file. ACTION Run BACKACC again, using the /F option to specify a different backup file. For example, to back up the permission records of the directory C:\DB into the backup file DBACC.BAK in the current directory, type: BACKACC C:\DB /F:DBACC.BAK EXPLANATION BACKACC stopped because the listed file is not a valid backup file. This error can occur even when the /A option is not specified, because BACKACC checks the target backup file before it overwrites it. ACTION Delete or rename the listed file, or run BACKACC again using the /F option to specify a different backup file. EXPLANATION BACKACC creates temporary files in the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable. BACKACC stopped because the disk containing the TEMP directory is full or because you don't have sufficient permissions to create the work file. ACTION Be sure that the disk containing the directory specified by TEMP isn't full, and also check the permissions for this directory. EXPLANATION The disk designated to store the backup file is full. ACTION Free some space on the disk by deleting unnecessary files and directories, then run BACKACC again. EXPLANATION The specified file already contains backup permissions for directories on another disk or partition. You can't store backup permissions from more than one disk or partition in a single backup file. ACTION Specify a different backup file. EXPLANATION BACKACC stopped because of an unexpected MS OS/2 error. ACTION Retype the command. EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't replace the existing backup permissions file with the new backup file. ACTION Be sure the existing file isn't read-only and that you have permission to write to it, or specify a different backup filename. EXPLANATION You used an invalid option. ACTION To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP BACKACC EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't back up NET.ACC and/or NET.AUD. ACTION If the server doesn't have auditing enabled and doesn't have a NET.AUD file, then this message may not represent an actual error. Otherwise, be sure that the files exist and that you have sufficient privilege and permissions to read these files. EXPLANATION BACKACC wasn't able to back up the resource permissions. LAN Manager should have displayed another error message along with this one. ACTION For more details about the error, use NET HELPMSG to see the explanation and action of the other message. EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't access the user accounts database. ACTION Be sure that you have a valid NET.ACC file in the LANMAN\ACCOUNTS directory and that LAN Manager is properly installed. EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't completely clean the NET.ACC file of obsolete permissions. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION BACKACC couldn't remove the obsolete permissions for the specified resource. ACTION Use the NET ACCESS /DELETE command to delete these permissions. EXPLANATION A user terminated the specified program by entering a break command. ACTION No action is necessary. EXPLANATION The specified backup permissions file couldn't be found. ACTION Check your spelling and be sure that the backup file exists. EXPLANATION RESTACC can't read the specified backup file. ACTION Check your privilege level and permissions for the backup file. EXPLANATION RESTACC didn't recognize the listed filename as a valid backup permissions file. ACTION Run RESTACC again, specifying the name of a valid backup file. EXPLANATION You don't have a sufficient privilege level to set permissions for the listed resource. RESTACC will continue setting permissions for other resources. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The listed resource doesn't exist, so no permissions can be set for it. RESTACC will continue setting permissions for other resources. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A username specified in the resource permissions list doesn't exist. The permissions for this user will be ignored, and the rest of the permissions will be set. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A groupname specified in the resource permissions list doesn't exist. The permissions for this group will be ignored, and the rest of the permissions will be set. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The listed resource doesn't exist, so RESTACC can't set permissions for it. RESTACC will continue setting permissions for other resources. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You specified a pathname with wildcards, indicating that permissions for multiple files were to be restored, but you specified only a single file as a newname to receive the permissions. ACTION Retype the command, either specifying a single file for which to restore permissions or specifying multiple new filenames to receive the permissions. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid option. ACTION Check your spelling and retype the command. To see the syntax of RESTACC, type: NET HELP RESTACC EXPLANATION The volume label of the destination does not match the volume label stored in the backup file. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION RESTACC stopped because of an error. ACTION A more detailed error message should have been displayed. Use the NET HELPMSG command to display the explanation and action of this other message. EXPLANATION RESTACC couldn't access enough memory. ACTION Stop unnecessary applications and services and run RESTACC again. If disk swapping (specified by the MEMMAN entry in the CONFIG.SYS file) is turned off, you may need to add more physical memory. EXPLANATION A resource had too many permissions specified for it. RESTACC will restore as many of the permissions as possible. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You can't use wildcard characters to specify "newname"--the new file to receive access permissions. ACTION Type the command again with no wildcard characters in the newname. To see the syntax of this command, type NET HELP RESTACC EXPLANATION The user accounts database that was restored contained no resource permissions; it still may have contained user accounts and user groups. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The Access Control List (ACL) for the specified drive was not restored because the HPFS386 file system, unlike the FAT file system, does not support drive ACLs. ACTION No action is required. EXPLANATION If "pathname" contains wildcards, you are trying to restore multiple files. Therefore, "newname" must be a directory, not a single file. ACTION Retype the command and either change "pathname" to specify a particular directory or file, or change "newname" to the name of a directory. EXPLANATION A drive Access Control List (ACL) can be restored from one drive to another drive, and file and directory ACLs can be restored from one file or directory to another. In order to avoid potential ambiguities, however, LAN Manager does not permit restoring a drive ACL to a file or directory, or vice-versa. ACTION Retype the command so that "pathname" and "newname" are both either drive names or absolute pathnames. EXPLANATION Your LAN Manager configuration may be incorrect; you may be working at a computer that is not a server; or you may need admin privilege for the attempted operation. ACTION Confirm that you are working on the correct computer. If you are working on the correct computer and have sufficient privilege for the attempted operation, then the computer is not properly configured as a LAN Manager 2.1 server. In this case, you will need to (re)install LAN Manager 2.1 on the computer. EXPLANATION You may be executing a LAN Manager 2.1 command that tried to access a server that is either running an earlier version of LAN Manager or has a corrupted NETSVINI.EXE file. ACTION Either upgrade the server or servers to LAN Manager 2.1 or reinstall LAN Manager 2.1. EXPLANATION You executed a LAN Manager 2.1 command that tried to access a server that either is running an earlier version of LAN Manager or has a corrupted NETSVINI.EXE file; or you do not have sufficient privilege to execute the command. ACTION First check to be sure that you have sufficient privilege to execute the command. If you do, then either upgrade the server to LAN Manager 2.1, or reinstall LAN Manager 2.1. EXPLANATION The NETSVINI.EXE file has been corrupted and therefore must be replaced. ACTION Reinstall LAN Manager on the affected server. EXPLANATION There are no MS-DOS versions installed. Workstations cannot be booted until an MS-DOS version is installed. ACTION Install MS-DOS version 3.3 or higher in C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES. EXPLANATION RPL.MAP or RPLMGR.INI cannot be opened or found. Another process may be using the files. ACTION Before attempting to access these files, make sure another process is not using them. EXPLANATION RPL.MAP or RPLMGR.INI cannot be opened or found. Another process may be using the files or, rarely, the hard disk may be full. ACTION Before attempting to access these files, make sure another process is not using them. If the hard disk is full, first free up space, then try to access the files. EXPLANATION There is not enough memory to run this program. ACTION Close applications to free up memory. Then try to run the program again. Alternatively, you may need to install additional memory on the server. EXPLANATION An error occurred while reading or writing to LANMAN.INI. ACTION Check LANMAN.INI to make sure it is not damaged or has not been designated as "read only". EXPLANATION The RPLINST utility encountered an error while assigning permissions to remote-boot subdirectories. ACTION Type "net help" followed by the specified error number to learn how to recover from the error. Then rerun the RPLINST utility. EXPLANATION There is a problem obtaining information from LANMAN.INI. This error can occur for various reasons. LANMAN.INI may be inaccessible or corrupted; the RPLDIR entry in the [remoteboot] section of LANMAN.INI may be missing or may be pointing to a directory that doesn't exist; or the server service may not be running. ACTION Verify that the entries in the [remoteboot] section of LANMAN.INI are correct and that the server service is running. EXPLANATION You have tried to load a protocol that is already loaded. ACTION No action is necessary. Type LOAD /I to view a list of protocols in the order in which they were loaded. EXPLANATION The protocol could not be registered. This may be due to a failure of the network card or incorrect interrupt settings. This error may also occur if your computername is duplicated on the network. ACTION Assign a different LANA number to the desired protocol by modifying the LANABASE= line in the appropriate [drivername] section of PROTOCOL.INI. Make sure the correct interrupt setting is used on the network card and in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Make sure there is no other computer with this computername active on the network. EXPLANATION The number of protocols already loaded equals the maximum number of WKNETS specified in the [workstation] section of LANMAN.INI. ACTION Increase the value of the WKNETS entry in the [workstation] section of LANMAN.INI or decrease the number of protocols specified in PROTOCOL.INI. EXPLANATION Protocols must be unloaded in the reverse order in which they were loaded; that is, the last protocol loaded must be the first unloaded. ACTION First type LOAD /I to see which protocols are loaded. Then unload the most recently loaded protocol first. EXPLANATION You can unload only those protocols that you have loaded dynamically, using the LOAD command. The specified protocol either was not loaded or was loaded statically by means of a DEVICE= line in CONFIG.SYS. ACTION Load the protocol dynamically instead of statically. Either type LOAD, followed by the name of the protocol, at the command line, or add a LOAD line to AUTOEXEC.BAT. EXPLANATION A NetBIOS session using the specified protocol is currently in progress. A protocol can be unloaded only when it is not in use. ACTION Wait until the active session is finished, then unload the protocol. EXPLANATION You specified a protocol name that does not correspond to available protocols. ACTION Retype the protocol name. If it still doesn't work, review PROTOCOL.INI, or use the Setup program to install the desired protocol. EXPLANATION The PROTOCOL.INI section for the specified protocol was not found. ACTION Review PROTOCOL.INI, or use the Setup program to reinstall the desired protocol. EXPLANATION An error occurred when LAN Manager attempted to access PROTOCOL.INI for configuration information about the protocol to be loaded. ACTION Review the PROTOCOL.INI file or use the Setup program to reinstall the desired protocol. EXPLANATION Before stopping the Workstation service, you must unload all dynamically loaded protocols, and before you can do that, you must unload all terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs that were executed after the protocol was loaded. ACTION Stop or unload all TSRs that were executed after the protocol was loaded, then retry the command. EXPLANATION You tried to unload a protocol that has not been loaded. ACTION Type LOAD /I to verify which protocols are loaded and to find the name of the one you want to unload. EXPLANATION The command cannot be executed because there is no protocol loaded. ACTION To load a network protocol, type LOAD followed by the name of the driver (e.g., NetBEUI or TCPIP) at the command line. Then retry the command. To determine which protocols are available, see the LOAD command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For more information on the LOAD command, see the Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Reference. EXPLANATION Before you log off, you must close all files you have open on servers. ACTION Be sure that none of your applications or MS OS/2 sessions have open files on servers. EXPLANATION You must be logged on to perform this task. ACTION Log on, then retry the command. EXPLANATION A persistent connection could not be restored. This usually occurs because the specified server is not available. ACTION If you do not wish to maintain this persistent connection, type NET LOGON again and answer "no" when asked whether you wish to attempt accessing this resource in the future. If you wish to use the resource, attempt to connect when it becomes available, or type NET LOGON to log on again. EXPLANATION There is no valid username in your LANMAN.INI file, so you will be logged on with your computername as your username. ACTION No action is needed now. To prevent this warning, add the following line to the [netshell] section of LANMAN.INI: USERNAME=name where name is the username you want to use. EXPLANATION The password you typed is not necessary and will be ignored. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The program run by NET RUN reported an error code. Depending on the program, this may or may not represent an actual error. ACTION Check the program's documentation for information about the error code. EXPLANATION You attempted to delete an active print queue. ACTION After the current print job has finished spooling, either print or delete the job. Then delete the queue. EXPLANATION You asked to remove a User Pak that was never installed on the server. ACTION No action is necessary. EXPLANATION You may only install this User Pak on a LAN Manager 2.1 server. ACTION Install LAN Manager 2.1 on the server, then install the User Pak. EXPLANATION ADDPAK can run only on a server. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the upgrade file, LANMAN\NETPROG\ADDPAK.SER, was being opened. The file may have the MS OS/2 "Read-only" file flag set, or if this server has local security, you may not have permissions allowing you to write to the file. ACTION Check the MS OS/2 file flags and/or LAN Manager permissions on LANMAN\NETPROG\UPGRADES.SER. EXPLANATION This disk has an invalid serial number or is damaged. ACTION Contact technical support. You may need a new Additional User Pak disk. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the ADDPAK.SER data file was being read. ACTION Delete the ADDPAK.SER file (located in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory), and reapply all upgrades. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the ADDPAK.SER data file was being written to. ACTION Delete the ADDPAK.SER file (located in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory), and reapply all upgrades. EXPLANATION The server is already an Unlimited server. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The ADDPAK.SER data file contains an invalid serial number. ACTION Delete the ADDPAK.SER file (located in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory), and reapply all upgrades. EXPLANATION The ADDPAK.SER data file has two or more instances of the same serial number. ACTION Delete the ADDPAK.SER file (located in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory), and reapply all upgrades. EXPLANATION ADDPAK was stopped by a user. ACTION Restart ADDPAK when you are ready. EXPLANATION Each 10 User Pak can be applied to a server only once. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't find a file of help information. ACTION Be sure the files NET.HLP and NIF.HLP are in the same directory as NET.EXE, which is usually in LANMAN\NETPROG. This directory should also be on your search path (specified by the PATH command). If you can't find the help files on your computer, see your network administrator. The administrator should copy the help files from the LAN Manager distribution disks to your computer. EXPLANATION One of the help files, NET.HLP or NIF.HLP, is damaged. These files are in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory. ACTION See your network administrator. The administrator should copy the help files from the LAN Manager distribution disks to your computer. If the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION One of the help files, NET.HLP or NIF.HLP, is damaged. These files are in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory. ACTION See your network administrator. The administrator should copy the help files from the LAN Manager distribution disks to your computer. If the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION Either this domain doesn't have logon security and therefore doesn't have a primary domain controller, or its primary domain controller is unavailable. ACTION If this domain doesn't have logon security, you can't use this command. Otherwise, retry the command. If the problem persists, ask your network administrator if the primary domain controller is running. EXPLANATION You must have admin privilege on the remote computer to perform this task, because that computer is running a previous version of LAN Manager. ACTION To complete this task, ask an administrator to give you admin privilege on the remote computer, or have that computer upgraded to the current version of LAN Manager. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid devicename. ACTION Check your spelling. Valid devicenames are A: to Z: for disk devices; LPT1: to LPT9: for printers and COM1: to COM9: for communication devices on computers running MS OS/2, and LPT1: to LPT3: for printers on computers running MS-DOS. Communication devices are not supported on computers running MS-DOS. EXPLANATION The log file you are using is damaged. ACTION If you may need to refer to this log file in the future, copy it to another filename. Then clear it so that you can start another one. If you were using the audit trail, clear it by typing: NET AUDIT /DELETE If you were using the error log, clear it by typing: NET ERROR /DELETE EXPLANATION The Netrun service runs only programs with the filename extension .EXE. ACTION To use a program with a .COM extension, an administrator must rename it to a .EXE file. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't find the resource you wanted to stop sharing. ACTION Check the spelling of the sharename. To see a list of resources the server is sharing, type: NET SHARE EXPLANATION The internal record of this user is invalid. ACTION Contact technical support. EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect password. ACTION Check that you have the correct password, then retype it. If you can't remember your password, see your network administrator to have your password changed. EXPLANATION An error occurred while a message was sent. More information about the error should have followed the original message. ACTION Check the additional information for details about the error. EXPLANATION An error occurred while a temporary file was being opened. ACTION Check with your network administrator that you have permission to create files in this directory. The administrator should also check whether the server's disk is full. EXPLANATION An error occurred while LAN Manager was writing to a temporary file. ACTION Check with your network administrator that you have permission to create files in this directory. The administrator should also check whether the server's disk is full. EXPLANATION An error occurred when LAN Manager tried to stop sharing the resource. ACTION Try again to stop sharing the resource. If no more information about this error is displayed, read the error log by typing: NET ERROR If no more information appears in the error log and the problem persists, contact technical support. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid username. ACTION Retype the command with a valid username. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid password. ACTION Retype the command, using a valid password. EXPLANATION The two passwords you typed did not match. ACTION Be sure to type identical passwords. EXPLANATION Loading of the profile stopped after an error occurred. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid computername or domain. ACTION Retype the command with a valid computername or domain. If you need more help, see your network administrator. EXPLANATION You can't run this program on this server. ACTION Check that you typed the program name correctly. Then check with your network administrator that the runpath is configured correctly on the server. EXPLANATION This resource does not have default permissions. ACTION Specify explicit permissions for the resource. EXPLANATION You can't specify a path when you run a program with the Netrun service. ACTION Do not specify a path. Use just the name of the program. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid password. ACTION Type a valid password. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid name. ACTION Type a valid name. EXPLANATION You can't share this resource. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You specified one or more invalid permissions. ACTION Use only valid permissions: R, X, W, C, D, A, P, Y, and N. EXPLANATION This command is valid only for devicenames of printers and communication devices. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The listed user or group already has permissions for this resource. ACTION To give a new set of permissions to this user or group, type: NET ACCESS resource /CHANGE username:permissions EXPLANATION The listed user or group doesn't have permissions for this resource. ACTION To give this user or group permissions for the resource, type: NET ACCESS resource /GRANT name:permissions EXPLANATION You specified one or more invalid permissions. ACTION Use only valid permissions: R, X, W, C, D, A, P, Y, and N. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid username or groupname. ACTION Check your spelling. To see a list of existing users, type: NET USER To see a list of existing groups, type: NET GROUP EXPLANATION The server is not set up to be administered remotely. ACTION For the server to be administered remotely, you must share the server's ADMIN$ and IPC$ resources. EXPLANATION CMD.EXE or COMMAND.COM couldn't start. ACTION Be sure that there is a SET COMSPEC line in your computer's CONFIG.SYS file specifying the pathname of the CMD.EXE file (if you are running MS OS/2) or COMMAND.COM (if you are running MS-DOS). For example: SET COMSPEC=c:\os2\cmd.exe SET COMSPEC=c:\dos\ EXPLANATION Your command couldn't be run on the listed file. It is being run on the other files you specified. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The source filename you typed is not valid. ACTION Type a valid filename. EXPLANATION The destination filename you typed is not valid. ACTION Type a valid filename. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the specified file was being copied. ACTION Correct the error and retype the command. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the specified file was being deleted. ACTION Correct the error and retype the command. EXPLANATION An error occurred while the specified file was being moved. ACTION Correct the error and retype the command. EXPLANATION An error occurred while a directory was being searched. ACTION Correct the error and retype the command. EXPLANATION No users have sessions with this server. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This user is not a member of the group. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION This user is already a member of the group. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You typed an unknown username. ACTION Check your spelling and retype the command. EXPLANATION You didn't provide a valid response to a LAN Manager prompt. If you are working from a DOS workstation, you must include all switches on the command line. ACTION Retype the command, including all required switches. EXPLANATION When you share an existing printer queue, you can't specify a list of printers different from those already assigned for the queue. ACTION To share the printer queue, type: NET SHARE queuename /PRINT Then, to change the list of printers the queue uses, type: NET PRINT sharename /ROUTE:devicenames EXPLANATION You can't change your password until the listed date because of LAN Manager security restrictions. ACTION See your network administrator if your password needs to be changed now. Otherwise, wait until the listed date to change your password. EXPLANATION The day you specified is invalid. Valid days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Valid abbreviations are M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, and Su. ACTION Retype the command, using valid names or abbreviations. EXPLANATION You specified a time range that starts later than it ends. Time ranges must start and end on the same day. ACTION Retype the command with a valid time range. You can use either the 12-hour or the 24-hour time format. When you use the 12-hour format, you must specify either "AM" or "PM" for each time. When you use the 24-hour format, do not specify "AM" or "PM". EXPLANATION You specified an hour in a format that couldn't be recognized. The hour can be a number from 0 to 12 in 12-hour format or 0 to 24 in 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, you must specify either "AM" or "PM" for each time. ACTION Retype the command with a valid hour format. EXPLANATION You specified minutes in a format that couldn't be recognized. You can specify times only to the hour. Typing minutes is optional, but if included, the format must be ":00" (a colon and two zeros). ACTION Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using ":00". EXPLANATION Logon times can be specified only on the hour. Specifying minutes in your command is optional, but if included must be in the format ":00" (a colon and two zeros). ACTION Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using ":00". EXPLANATION You mixed 12- and 24-hour formats in your time specification. If you use the 12-hour format (with AM and PM), the hours must be from 0 to 12. If you use 24-hour format, the hours must be from 0 to 24. ACTION Retype the command with either the 12- or 24-hour format. EXPLANATION You tried to use the 12-hour format, but the time was followed by text that was neither "AM" nor "PM". If you use the 12-hour format, you must follow each time with either "AM", "A.M.", "PM", or "P.M." ACTION Retype the command with the correct forms of AM and PM. EXPLANATION You used an illegal date format. ACTION Retype the command with a correct date format. Dates should be typed in the form mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy, depending on the user's country code. Months can be represented by a number, spelled out, or abbreviated to exactly 3 letters. Use commas or slashes to separate the parts of the date--do not use spaces. If you do not specify a year, then LAN Manager assumes it to be the next occurrence of the date. EXPLANATION You specified an illegal range of days. You must also type a hyphen between the first and last days of each range. ACTION When specifying days, use only the complete names of the days or valid LAN Manager abbreviations. Valid abbreviations are: M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su Be sure to use a hyphen to separate the beginning and end of each range of days. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid time range. ACTION Retype the command with a valid time range. Use either the 12-hour format, with the numbers 0-12 and "AM" and "PM", or the 24-hour format, with the numbers 0-24. Use a hyphen to separate the beginning and end of a time range, as in "9AM-4PM". EXPLANATION You typed invalid options or variables with the command. ACTION Retype the command, using valid options and variables. When you add a user account, the password you set for the user must conform to your system's guidelines for password length. EXPLANATION The /ENABLESCRIPT option of the NET USER command accepts only YES as a value. ACTION Retype the command, either specifying /ENABLESCRIPT:YES or not specifying /ENABLESCRIPT. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid country code. ACTION Specify a valid country code. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid name for the logon server. ACTION Retype the command with a computername of a server running the Netlogon service. EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect username or password. ACTION Verify the correct username or password and log on again. EXPLANATION Your local password has expired. You must change it. ACTION To change your password on the local computer, start LAN Manager by typing: NET START WORKSTATION Then change your password by typing: NET PASSWORD \\computername username oldpw newpw where oldpw and newpw are your old and new passwords. EXPLANATION The listed program can't run because LAN Manager can't find the NET.EXE program. ACTION Be sure that NET.EXE is in the LANMAN\NETPROG directory and that this directory is on your search path. EXPLANATION An MS OS/2 error occurred. ACTION One or more other messages with more detailed information about the error should also have been displayed. See these other errors. EXPLANATION LOGON and LOGOFF can only be used on a server with the high-performance file system 386 and local security. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The local logon name (logged on using LOGON) does not match the network logon name (logged on using NET LOGON). ACTION Log off from the network and locally, then log on again. EXPLANATION The LANMAN.INI file doesn't have a valid username or computername, so the default name USER will be used. ACTION No action is needed now. To prevent this warning, add the following line to the [netshell] section of LANMAN.INI: USERNAME=name where name is the username you want to use. EXPLANATION Your password has expired. ACTION Change your password as soon as possible. To do this from the LAN Manager Screen, choose "Change your password" from the Accounts menu. To do this from the command line, use the NET PASSWORD command. EXPLANATION You can't log on because your password has expired. Your password must be changed at the primary domain controller of this domain. ACTION See your administrator. EXPLANATION You typed an invalid schedule date. ACTION Specify either a day of the month represented by a number between 1 and 31, or a day of the week represented by one of the following abbreviations: M, T, W, Th, F, S, Su. EXPLANATION The root directory for LAN Manager is unavailable. ACTION Be sure the workstation is running and the directory containing the LAN Manager software is accessible. EXPLANATION The SCHED.LOG file has been opened by another process or the disk is full. ACTION Be sure the disk isn't full. If another process has opened the file, you will have to wait for it to close the file before you can open it. EXPLANATION The Server service must be running for this command to run. ACTION Start the server, then retype the command. EXPLANATION You specified a job identification number that doesn't exist. ACTION To see the list of jobs and identification numbers in the schedule file, type: AT EXPLANATION The schedule file is damaged. ACTION Restore the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\LOGS directory. EXPLANATION LAN Manager can't find the job you're trying to delete. ACTION Check the job identification number by typing: AT Try again to delete the job, using the correct job identification number. If the error persists, the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, may be damaged. Restore SCHED.LOG from a backup copy, or delete it and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\LOGS directory. EXPLANATION Commands used with the AT utility can't exceed 128 characters. ACTION Type a command with 128 or fewer characters. EXPLANATION You can't update the schedule file because the disk is full. ACTION Make room on the disk by deleting unnecessary files. EXPLANATION The schedule file has been damaged, possibly by system errors. ACTION Restore the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\LOGS directory. EXPLANATION The schedule file was cleared. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The command failed because another scheduled command is currently running. ACTION Try the command later. EXPLANATION The username you typed is a reserved LAN Manager groupname. The reserved groupnames are USERS, ADMINS, and GUESTS. ACTION Retype the command with a different username. EXPLANATION An error occurred while LAN Manager was writing to a file. ACTION Check that the disk isn't full. If you are using a floppy disk drive, be sure the drive door isn't open. EXPLANATION An error occurred while a file was being read. ACTION Contact your network administrator. EXPLANATION MAKEACC must create the specified file, but it already exists. ACTION Rename or delete the file, or restart MAKEACC and answer YES to the prompt that asks if MAKEACC can delete the file. EXPLANATION MAKEACC couldn't delete the specified file. ACTION Be sure the Workstation service is not started. Delete the specified file. If you can't, check the file flags--the file may be read-only. If so, turn off the "Read-only" flag and delete the file. Then retype the MAKEACC command. EXPLANATION MAKEACC couldn't rename the specified file. ACTION Be sure the Workstation service is not started. Rename or delete the specified file. If you can't, check the file flags--the file may be read-only. If so, turn off the "Read-only" flag and rename the file. Then retype the MAKEACC command. EXPLANATION MAKEACC couldn't create the specified file. ACTION Check that the disk is not full and that the file does not already exist. If it does exist, rename it or delete it. EXPLANATION You specified an invalid option. ACTION To see the syntax of MAKEACC, type: MAKEACC /HELP EXPLANATION The LANROOT path you typed is not a valid MS OS/2 pathname. The LANROOT must be the name of the LAN Manager root directory, which is usually C:\LANMAN. ACTION Retype the command with the correct pathname. EXPLANATION An error occurred while MAKEACC was running, so it deleted the user accounts database it had created. ACTION Correct the error, then run MAKEACC again. EXPLANATION The password you typed is too long. Passwords can't have more than 14 characters. ACTION Retype the command with a shorter password. EXPLANATION The password you typed is too short. Passwords must have at least 6 characters. ACTION Retype the command with a longer password. EXPLANATION You interrupted MAKEACC by typing CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK. ACTION When you are ready, retype the MAKEACC command. EXPLANATION The signal handler couldn't be installed. This is an MS OS/2 internal error. ACTION See your network administrator. If you need more assistance, contact technical support. EXPLANATION The two passwords must match. ACTION Retype the command, using identical passwords. EXPLANATION You typed the same name for the default ADMIN and GUEST accounts. Every user account must have a unique name. ACTION Retype the command with unique usernames. EXPLANATION The username you typed contains invalid characters or is too long. ACTION Retype the command with a valid username. EXPLANATION Your password couldn't be encrypted. ACTION Be sure that LAN Manager is installed on your computer and that the Workstation service is started. EXPLANATION MAKEACC can't run while the user account system is running. ACTION Stop the Workstation service and any applications that use the user account system and run MAKEACC again. EXPLANATION You specified an invalid computername. ACTION Make sure you typed the name correctly. If necessary, verify that you are using the correct name by checking the computername entry in the [workstation] section of LANMAN.INI. EXPLANATION A correct password is required for access to this computer ACTION Verify and supply the correct password. EXPLANATION The specified message number does not represent a LAN Manager message. ACTION Check that you typed the correct message number. EXPLANATION The source file you specified for PORTACC couldn't be found. ACTION Check your spelling, and be sure the file exists. Then retype the command. EXPLANATION The source file you specified is not a valid LAN Manager 1.x user accounts database file. ACTION Be sure to specify a LAN Manager 1.x user accounts database file. If you have specified such a file, then it is damaged. You will have to recreate the user accounts, groups and access permissions. EXPLANATION The listed user account already exists in the LAN Manager user accounts database. No references to this account will be copied from the LAN Manager 1.x database. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The listed group already exists in the LAN Manager user accounts database. No references to this group will be copied from the LAN Manager 1.x database. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A set of permissions for the listed resource already exists in the LAN Manager user accounts database. These permissions will not be modified. Permissions from the 1.x database will not be copied. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The LAN Manager 1.x user accounts database has too many groups. In LAN Manager 1.x, the maximum number of groups is 255. In LAN Manager , it is 253. ACTION You have two choices: Use the Setup program to create a new LAN Manager user accounts database from scratch, then retype all your user, group, and permissions information. Reinstall LAN Manager 1.x and delete a few groups, then run PORTACC again. EXPLANATION You interrupted PORTACC by typing CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK. ACTION When you are ready, retype the command. EXPLANATION The user account system couldn't be started. ACTION Verify that the existing NET.ACC file is a valid LAN Manager accounts file. EXPLANATION To run PORTACC, you must have admin privilege. ACTION Log on to the network with a valid administrative account and password. EXPLANATION An set of permissions in the LAN Manager 1.x database corresponds to a resource that doesn't exist on your computer. These permissions will not be copied to the 2.0 database. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION PORTACC found a group in the LAN Manager 1.x user accounts database that is a reserved name in LAN Manager . In 2.0 the groups ADMINS, USERS, GUESTS, LOCAL, SERVERS, and ACCOUNTOPS are reserved. PORTACC will not copy groups with these names from t he 1.x database. ACTION In the 2.0 database, create a group with a different name and give it the same members and resource permissions as the 1.x group with the reserved name. EXPLANATION Either this domain doesn't have logon security and therefore doesn't have a primary domain controller, or its primary domain controller is unavailable. ACTION If this domain doesn't have logon security, you can't use this command. Otherwise, retry the command. If the problem persists, ask your network administrator if the primary domain controller is running. EXPLANATION LAN Manager could not find information about the user's account. ACTION Contact the network administrator to verify that the user has a proper user account. EXPLANATION The user account does not list a home directory. ACTION Ask the network administrator to add a home directory to the user account. EXPLANATION The home directory must specify a full pathname, including server and share. ACTION Ask the network administrator to verify that the home directory path specified in the user account is correct. EXPLANATION The workstation has not been configured for the number of workstations or servers you are trying to use. ACTION Increase the numresources or numservers entries in the [workstation] section of LANMAN.INI. If you are using LAN Manager's default values for these entries, the entries will not be listed in LANMAN.INI, even though they are in force. To change the default values, add the entries numresources= and numservers=, followed by the appropriate new values. EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't identify the members of the listed group. ACTION Verify that the group exists, then retype the command. EXPLANATION You can't specify more than one server. ACTION Retype the command, specifying only one server or domain. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP CHKSTOR EXPLANATION You can't specify both a domain and a server. ACTION Retype the command, specifying either a domain or a server. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP CHKSTOR EXPLANATION You typed the same option more than once. ACTION Retype the command, specifying each option only once. EXPLANATION You didn't specify a value for the ALERTS option. ACTION Retype the command, specifying either YES or NO for the ALERTS option. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP CHKSTOR EXPLANATION You typed an invalid value for the ALERTS option. ACTION Retype the command, specifying either YES or NO for the ALERTS option. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP CHKSTOR EXPLANATION The listed value is invalid. ACTION Retype the command with valid options and values. To see the syntax of the command, type: NET HELP CHKSTOR EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't access enough memory to run the command. ACTION Stop other applications or processes running on the server and retype the command. If it fails, try it again when there is less activity on the network. EXPLANATION The name you specified is not a valid domain name. ACTION Check your spelling. Retype the command with a valid domain name. If you type the DOMAIN option with no value, the workstation domain will be used. EXPLANATION CHKSTOR couldn't access the listed directory. ACTION Be sure that you logged on with a username that has permission to read the home directories you are checking and to read all directories on the tree below those home directories. This error can also occur if a directory you are checking contains a file with the "Hidden" flag turned on. EXPLANATION The listed username or groupname is invalid. ACTION Check your spelling and be sure that there is an account for the username or that the group exists. EXPLANATION When you type the listed option, you must also type a value for the option. ACTION Retype the command, either omitting the option or specifying a value for it. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP COPY EXPLANATION You typed an invalid option. ACTION Check the spelling and retype the command. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP COPY EXPLANATION You typed too many options or variables. ACTION To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP COPY EXPLANATION LAN Manager couldn't determine which users are logged on in the domain. ACTION Check that the primary domain controller's NET.ACC file isn't damaged. EXPLANATION The user you specified isn't logged on. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION You didn't specify a file to copy. ACTION Retype the command with a filename to copy. EXPLANATION You specified too many values for the listed option. ACTION Retype the command with the correct number of values. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION You typed an invalid value for the listed option. ACTION Retype the command with valid values. To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION You didn't use the correct syntax of this command. ACTION To see the syntax of this command, type: NET HELP command EXPLANATION The concept of Profiles, as used in LAN Manager 2.0, has been replaced in LAN Manager 2.1 by the concept of Persistent Connections, in which server connections are automatically "remembered," then later restored the next time a NET LOGON command is executed. ACTION No action is required. For more information, see the Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide. Note: If you mean to load a protocol (e.g., NetBEUI), type LOAD protocol rather than NET LOAD protocol. EXPLANATION The concept of Profiles, as used in LAN Manager 2.0, has been replaced in LAN Manager 2.1 by the concept of Persistent Connections, in which server connections are automatically "remembered," then later restored the next time a NET LOGON command is executed. ACTION If you plan to log off the network or turn off your computer, go ahead and do so; your network connections will be saved. For more information, see the Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide. EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect filename. ACTION Verify the correct filename and retype the command. EXPLANATION You did not supply an absolute path for the specified file. ACTION Type an absolute pathname for the specified file. EXPLANATION The file identification number you specified is either outside the valid range or is nonnumeric. ACTION Retype the command with a valid file identification number. To see a list of the server's open files and their identification numbers, type: NET FILE EXPLANATION The print job identification number you specified is either outside the valid range or is nonnumeric. ACTION Retype the command with a valid print job identification number. To see a list of a server's print jobs, type: NET PRINT \\computername EXPLANATION You didn't specify a filename. ACTION Retype the command, specifying the filename of the program to run. EXPLANATION The list of options or variables is too long. ACTION Retype the command with a shorter list of options and variables. EXPLANATION The command failed because too many files were open. ACTION Stop other applications running on the computer and retype your command. If it fails, try it again when there is less activity on the network. EXPLANATION The computer ran out of memory. ACTION Stop other services and applications running on the computer and retype your command. If it fails, try it again when there is less activity on the network. EXPLANATION The specified program couldn't be found. If the full pathname of the program wasn't specified, then the file must be in either the current directory or in one of the directories specified in the PATH variable. ACTION Check that the filename was correctly typed, complete with extensions. If the full pathname of the program is not specified, be sure the file's directory is either the current directory or in the PATH variable. EXPLANATION The program couldn't be started. ACTION Check the MS OS/2 error code supplied by the popup window for more information about the error. EXPLANATION The operating system couldn't set up a pipe for the process. ACTION Check the MS OS/2 error code supplied by the popup window for more information about the error. EXPLANATION The operating system was unable to create a second thread for the process. ACTION Check the MS OS/2 error code supplied by the popup window for more information about the error. EXPLANATION The program stopped, returning the listed error code and output. ACTION Use the output displayed by this error to find the cause of the problem. See the program's documentation for explanations of its error code and output. EXPLANATION An error occurred while MAKEIMG was creating a subdirectory on the floppy disk. ACTION To generate a boot image, you must use a floppy disk formatted with MS-DOS. Use a disk formatted with the /S option. Copy the files necessary for creating a boot image onto this disk and use it with MAKEIMG. Also, use CHKDSK to be sure the floppy disk is not damaged. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG found a syntax error in a line in the image definition (.DEF) file. ACTION Edit the .DEF file, correcting the error in the line specified by the error message. EXPLANATION The drive you specified doesn't exist. ACTION Run MAKEIMG again, specifying a valid floppy disk drive. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG was given an invalid image definition (.DEF) filename. ACTION Run MAKEIMG again, specifying a valid filename for the .DEF file. EXPLANATION This floppy disk is not a bootable MS-DOS disk. ACTION To generate a boot image, you must use a floppy disk formatted with MS-DOS. Use a disk formatted with the /S option. Copy the files necessary for creating a boot image onto this disk and use it with MAKEIMG. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG ran out of memory while building the image. ACTION Stop other applications or processes running on the computer, then try MAKEIMG again. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG couldn't create the image file, probably because someone is using it. ACTION Run MAKEIMG again when you are sure no one is using the image file. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG couldn't write the image file. ACTION Run MAKEIMG again when you are sure no one is using the image file. If the error persists, use the CHKDSK utility to be sure your floppy disk is not damaged. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG couldn't read the floppy disk. ACTION To generate an image, you must use a floppy disk formatted with MS-DOS. Use a disk formatted with the /S option. Use the CHKDSK utility to be sure your disk is not damaged. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG found an error while reading the specified source file from your hard disk. ACTION Be sure the image definition (.DEF) file correctly specifies the location of the requested file. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG found an error while writing the specified file to your floppy disk. ACTION If the floppy disk is full, delete unnecessary files from the list in the image definition (.DEF) file. If this isn't possible, use a higher density floppy disk drive. EXPLANATION MAKEIMG couldn't open the image definition (.DEF) file you specified. ACTION Run MAKEIMG again, correctly specifying the pathname of the .DEF file. EXPLANATION You attempted to promote a server to primary domain controller (PDC) without first changing the role of the existing PDC to backup or member. ACTION Stop the current PDC before promoting another server to PDC. EXPLANATION You tried to perform an administrator task in a domain without having admin privilege in the domain. ACTION Get admin privilege in the domain, then retry the task. EXPLANATION You tried to perform an administrator task on a computer on which you don't have admin privilege. ACTION Log on to the computer as an administrator, then retry the task. EXPLANATION A domain must always have an active PDC. You tried to change the active PDC to member or backup before first promoting another server to PDC. ACTION First, stop the current PDC. Second, promote a member or backup server to PDC. Third, change the role of the old PDC to backup or member. Fourth, restart the old PDC. EXPLANATION A network control block (NCB) command to a remote computer failed because the remote computer did not respond in time. The remote computer is not listening. The session to the remote computer may have been dropped. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION A network control block (NCB) request was refused. There is no space available on the network adapter card for another session. ACTION No action is needed. EXPLANATION The network control block (NCB) request was refused because the session table on the network adapter card was full. ACTION To allow more sessions, reconfigure the NetBIOS stack by changing the SESS value of the NETn entry in the LANMAN.INI file. If you are using NetBEUI, you may also need to change PROTOCOL.INI. EXPLANATION The maximum number of network control block (NCB) commands is outstanding. The command will be tried again later. ACTION No action is needed.